Heidi J. Miller profile picture

Heidi J. Miller

About Me

Well...so far, I'm pretty much a 'one-woman' show. I play the piano and I sing. I'm self-taught at the piano. I really hope you guys like my song, and so far, "You Are" is the only full song I have. I'm actually working on making it longer, and getting the lyrics put with it. I'll add it on here once I've accomplished that. Tell me what you think if you guys would!! THANKS!!!
But other than that, I guess I just hope you guys like my stuff! =]

By the way, if any of you want to see my personality and my 'outside of music' style...go to my real-life myspace page. Here's the URL: www.myspace.com/evanescencegurl199014

Heidi a.k.a. Heidi

ALSO...some bands that you might want to check out..in my order of preference:

1. Lee Walczak
2. Noctura and/or Mandy Suiter
3. Faerience
4. KatBGini
5. Epica

I got this layout from SnazzySpace.com .

My Interests


Member Since: 12/23/2007
Band Members: Heidi J. Miller -- Vocals/Piano

Evanescence mainly...
Sounds Like: So far, it's just me. I sing and play the piano, but no vocals recorded just yet. I'm working on it, I promise!! =]

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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