Making Out, Video Editing, Music Videos, Macintosh Computers, Josie, Music, Scooping Ice Cream, ipod, Smells, cooking, Hiking in Chatsworth and Malibu, eurotrip, Mia's boyfriend Brayden (completely platonic).
L.D.Tony Sirico
RxBandits, Streetlight Manifesto, The Mars Volta, Hieroglyphics, The Faint, Steel Train, Head Automatica, The Sound of Animals Fighting, The Dunndlelingers, Del the Funky Homosapien, Souls of Mischief, Prefuse73, Dan The Automator, Saosin, Allister, 311, Eyedea & Abilities, Slow Gherkin, Circa Survive, Hidden in Plain View, Chiodos, Crosby Still Nash and Young, Pink Floyd, Marley, other good music.
Swingers, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Office Space, One Hour Photo, The Mask, Dumb and Dumber, Unbreakable
Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Sopranos, Weeds
A Brave New World, Heart of Darkness, The Picture of Dorian Grey, The Invisible Man, Steinbeck, Huxley,
Tony Sirico My Mom My Brother