poetry , music, Art, fashion soccer,hand sanitizer , chap stick, matches, ribbions, thinking way to deep on shallow subjects, philosphy, history, love,dragons , buddhism, discussing liberalist ideas although im not a liberalist, having fun, talking about evolution, talking to strangers in person, people in general,
a couple more people but ive meet all i want
everything from stuff you haven't heard of to mainstream not because i follow people in their trends but because i like all different types of music . k
au revoir les enfants , ascenseur pour l'echanfaud, documentries, dolls and more basically alot of spy movies from the 50's and 60's
court tv, cartoons , comedy central, the soccer channel, espn, espn2,
"There was only one true christain and he died on a cross"
Nietzsche, by far my favorite