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About Me

SN: rosethron1212 Tell me it will be ok an I will believe you. Tell me you love me and I will take your word. Tell me all you want is me and I might question thee

My Interests

poetry , music, Art, fashion soccer,hand sanitizer , chap stick, matches, ribbions, thinking way to deep on shallow subjects, philosphy, history, love,dragons , buddhism, discussing liberalist ideas although im not a liberalist, having fun, talking about evolution, talking to strangers in person, people in general,

I'd like to meet:

a couple more people but ive meet all i want


everything from stuff you haven't heard of to mainstream not because i follow people in their trends but because i like all different types of music . k


au revoir les enfants , ascenseur pour l'echanfaud, documentries, dolls and more basically alot of spy movies from the 50's and 60's


court tv, cartoons , comedy central, the soccer channel, espn, espn2,


"There was only one true christain and he died on a cross"


Nietzsche, by far my favorite

My Blog


why doesn't he just fuck her. Does any one else besides me get the feeling that there present bf stilll has feelings for his ex gf? or is that just me? ...
Posted by Fuh-Lee-Shuh on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 05:23:00 PST

i was thinking..

while i was in the store the other day how much young parents suck and how much they dont. well anyways this kid was looking at his teeth and the mirror and was like look mom i have  a cavitie an...
Posted by Fuh-Lee-Shuh on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 11:00:00 PST


my wounds are open my heart is bleeding my thoughts are frozen your lies are growning dont be suprised that i dont replymy words are weak i wish i could speakbut nothing ever comes out dark corners em...
Posted by Fuh-Lee-Shuh on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 10:54:00 PST