life, the most beautiful, wonderful, sweetest bobby henderson; the boy who changed me, loyalty, fashion, all different art mediums especially photography, the beach, people, productivity, adventures, laughing, compassion, creativity, secrets, being in love, traveling, education and knowledge.
Artists & People who like being photographed.
Robert Rauschenberg, Hans Haacke, Robert Frank, Leonardo Da Vinci, Cindy Sherman, Larry Clark, Joan Jonas, Vito Acconci.
Utah. (Spring 2005)
Chicago. (April 2006)
Every strong artist has a head and a heart...I want to be in it all that I can think, in all that I can speak, in all that I can write, and in all that I can paint. I want to use my art as a weapon. (Diego Rivera, 1932)
When I consider how fleeting is this world that knows no tomorrow; very bitter is the count of days not spent in love." (Fujiwara Teika)