~ Ðr&egraveãm $ëëké profile picture

~ Ðr&egraveãm $ëëk&eacute

OK! So, I can't get over u, but I think u still want me 2

About Me

.NaMe. Brenzalynn
.A.k.A. Prinzess B or B
.FiRsT BrEaTh Of AiR. August 21, 1985
.CrYs WiTh. Hazel (depends on the mood)
.BrUsHeS ThRu. Dark brown with blond highlights
.StAnDs At. 5'4"
.BeSt FrIeNd. Liz Ellisworth
.EnEmIeS. Clowns, Dark Soda Pops, Spice food
.EyE cAnDy. My one and only ...
.ViRgIn. Not any more
.StUcK In. Butler
... 2004 High school, 2005 College
.SaYz OfTeN. Goober
.WhO yOu LuVs. Music, family, and my Friends
.AfRaId Of. Happieness
.HoLdS OnTo FoReVeR. Memories
.CaNt LiVe WiThOuT. Music and my friends
.CaN't WaIt TiLL. All my plans fall in place
.FuTuRe GoLaS. to go to the Air Force
.LiFe GoLaS. to have my dad walk me down the ale
.DiSLiKeS StRoNgLy. Disrespect, Liers, Broken Promises
.HaPpIeSt. When I'm with a certain some1
.MaDdEsT. When peolpe disrespects me
.MoSt MeMoRaBlE mOmEnT. The kiss that took my breath away
.MoSt EmBaRaSsInG mOmEnT. Never had one. I don't care enough.
.SmOkE cIgArEtTeS. nope
.SmOkE cIgArS. nope
.SmOkE WeEd. tried it
.SmOkE aNy ThInG eLsE. nope
.Do AnY oThEr DrUgS. No
.DrInK bEeR. Not really
.DrInK hArD sHiT. Only the best
.CoLoR. Blue, Green, Black, Silver
.FoOd TyPe. Anything really just not spice
.FoOd. Chicken
.MoViE tYpE. Action and Comedy
.MoViE. Transporter 1 and 2
.MuSiC tYpE. All but mostly rock/punk/alt.
.SoNg. It all ways changes
.SpOrTs. Football, Street Racing, Kick/Boxing,
.TeAm. Titans
.SaY'n. Thats Prinzess B to you hoe.
.QuOtE. "Why are we fighting to live if we are just living to die."
.PlAcE iN tHe WoRlD. in the arms of the one that truly love me
.SoDa Or PoP. Soda pop
.WiNdOw Or wInDeR. Both
.ChOcOlAtE oR vAnIlLa. neither really
.BuRgEr Or PiZzA. Pizza
.FaSt FoOd Or HoMe CoOkEd. Home Cooked
.FrIeNdS oR FaMiLy. Friends
.InDoOrS oR oUtDoOrS. Outdoors
.WaLkInG oR dRiViNg. Driving
.FaSt Or SlOw. (Transportation) Fast
.HaRd Or SoFt. (Candy) Both
.LoOkS oR pErSoNaLiTy. Personality
.EyEz Or SmIlE. Eyes
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My Interests

You can also come an check out my website that I made to. Don't for get to sing the guest book. deep-thoughts-within.tripod.com

Yahoo! Instant Messanger: Qt_hoochy

AOL Instant Messanger: Brenzalynn


I love all music. Music Is my life. With out it I don't think I can function. I have started listen'n to upcome'n artists such as Cori Yurckin, Adelita's Way, n' others.


Transporter 1 & 2, XXX, Crul Intentions 1-4, Boondock Saints, Basic Instince 2, The Departed, Hicher 2007 and many many more. I'm big on movies.

Underwear Goes Inside Your Pants

Music video


I don't really watch TV 'cuz I believe it poisons the mind. When I do watch TV I watch Gilmore Girls, Heros, Everwood, Smallville, Prison Break, One Tree Hill, Deal or No Deal, and any Comedian that is on. I love to laugh.


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My younger brother. He is so great. He is very athletic n' smart n' he has a great friends. I just hope he knows how much he means to me n' I hope that he is very happy n' all of his dreams come true, he deserves it. I love u very much Ryan Joesph Reed.

My Blog


How is it that the girl that every1 looks up to b/c she always seems so happy. The girl that is always wear'n a smile n' help'n people b optamistic be so unhappy? How does even the people around her n...
Posted by 4BiDdEn L♥Ve on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:50:00 PST

? What I Want In A Relationship ?

These are not just my words. I took it from a friend of mine tha wrote this himself. I couldn't come up the best words to say what I wanted but once I read it I found the words that best fits what I w...
Posted by 4BiDdEn L♥Ve on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 07:53:00 PST

My life so far

Ok were to start. Ever since I watched the movie "Top Gun" I have wanted to fly the plans. I know they are Navy now but I always thought that they were in the Air Force. So I wanted to go into the Air...
Posted by 4BiDdEn L♥Ve on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 03:03:00 PST

My Personality

The LEO Woman * 'Tis an honor to see me, a favor to hear: 'Tis a privilege high to have dinner and tea Along with the Red Queen, the White Queen And me!" There's one thing the Leo woman probably owns ...
Posted by 4BiDdEn L♥Ve on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 01:52:00 PST

On the right track

Well people my life is not in a hole any more. I have drove my way out of it. I got my lisence back 2day. Now I can get a job. Also now I can finish doing my testing for my life changing desiction tha...
Posted by 4BiDdEn L♥Ve on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:57:00 PST

Road Trip

Ok well lets c I went to the Eastside vs. Garret game. The biggest game for my lil brother who is a starting Wide Receiver for the Eastside. He is great n' I love him to death so I had to go. Ne ways ...
Posted by 4BiDdEn L♥Ve on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 01:40:00 PST

Walk'n on clouds again

Wow, just yesterday I thought my world had ended but to only find out 2day that it hasn't. Yeah I have no place to live in St. louis area after saturday (witch is kind of a good thing. Now I can go n'...
Posted by 4BiDdEn L♥Ve on Fri, 05 May 2006 06:36:00 PST

This is in a relationship

This is me when I have some1 to share my life w/. This is how a will treat u, this is me. I'm the girl who will put her head on your shoulder, not because she's sleepy, but because she wants to be clo...
Posted by 4BiDdEn L♥Ve on Thu, 04 May 2006 06:32:00 PST

Lost in the deep black hole

I don't want to b here ne more. I just want to b done. done w/ it all. Y is it that every thing that makes me happy seems to either get messed up or taken from me. The 1 I ever wanted is now taken fr...
Posted by 4BiDdEn L♥Ve on Wed, 03 May 2006 07:46:00 PST

What goes down must come up

OK well lets c, last time I was on here I had hit rock bottom. Thanx to Michael n' Misty I have improved alot. I have came up w/ a way to make every 1 happy n' will benifite every1. I have been talk'n...
Posted by 4BiDdEn L♥Ve on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 05:42:00 PST