My Father's Day Present |
So Saturday night on my way home with Gabe from Meesh and Christina's after a fun-filled day in Philly at Wizard World, we get about 10 minutes on the road when my check engine light goes on. I ask Ga... Posted by on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 18:52:00 GMT |
It helps to think she's happy somewhere |
This long crazy weekend is over.I thank all who came to pay their respects and comfort my family.Everybody did a beautiful job with the flowers and other gifts.It feels better to know that Mom-mom is ... Posted by on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 08:46:00 GMT |
A moment of enlightenment |
I've been noticing since I was in West Chester this movie for rent called Prozac Nation. I've been wanting to watch it since then but never really got Gabe interested.So tonight I finally decided to w... Posted by on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 21:06:00 GMT |
Jarod was the eye witness |
One night at the newest, hottest pad to check out in Delaware, poor Jarod was abused and used to document the cruel events caused by alcohol and too much karaoke and dancing.And here's his proof:He'll... Posted by on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 13:27:00 GMT |
What the *bleep* do we know? |
I have written a very deep journal in LJ and I don't feel like cutting and pasting and I know some people have this site possibly linked so they know when I've posted a blog. So go to my lj: shytempt... Posted by on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 15:15:00 GMT |
For those lost and disconnected... |
Recently I've been finding old friends, acquaintances, classmates, etc. on here. Some I have tried talking to again, others I've been pretty sure could care less if they knew me again, and other... Posted by on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 09:35:00 GMT |
Just a note... |
If you want to get to know me better, just check out my livejournal here:
I use that more than this. Posted by on Mon, 23 Aug 2004 10:27:00 GMT |
Beginning |
This is the beginning of a third space dedicated to me. I am slowly taking over the internet one free space after another.
ahem...anyway, feel free to talk to me. I'm friendly.
Slaving away ... Posted by on Tue, 10 Aug 2004 07:57:00 GMT |