someone genuine who appreciates genuine, someone who has never earned hatred, someone who puts nothing before their family, not girlfriends, not money, definitely not drugs, not even their own happiness. Someone who believes there is always more to learn, more places to go, more friends to meet. Someone who determines anothers worth by their hard work, honesty, generosity, respect for others and love for life. Someone humble who, if living in a goddam box, is grateful for that goddam box, and happily works his ass off for a bigger box. Stands up for himself and those he loves, and stands up to those he loves.
These things describe my family and friends, and if there is anyone else who is the same, I'll be happy to know you. The rest of you, leave me the hell alone.
A-2-Z About Me Survey by bamachic49
Name: Shelley
Nickname(s): SSgt Shelley
Age: 26
Birthday: March
Birthplace: Thibodaux, LA
Current Location: Shreveport, LA
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5'11
Weight: is this a driver's license application?
Lefty or Righty: right
Zodiac Sign: pisces
What Do You Drive: a car
Screenname: ?
Color: blue or green
Number: 3
Band: lots
Music Genre: country
TV Show: grey's anatomy
Movie: so many
Actor: vince vaughn
Actress: don't know right now
Kind of Movie: sweet
Cartoon: bugs bunny
Sport: football if I get beer
Fast Food Restaurant: sonic
Food: seafood
Ice Cream: java chip
Cereal: raisin bran
Candy: chocolate
Drink: water
Alcoholic Beverage: beer
Quote: do it your damn self
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: 4
Have any pets: Gremlin (dog) Purrsey (cat)
Have a job: Air Traffic
Have a cellphone: 1-900-
Have any special talents or skills: none of your business
Have any fears: naw
Have a bedtime: 9pm
Sing in the shower: always
Want to go to college: online
Get along with your parents: absolutely
Have any piercings: just ears
Have any tattoos: hell no
Swear: trying to quit
Smoke: should try to quit
Drink: occasionally
Do Drugs: nope
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: not really
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
Are you single: nope
Are you in a relationship: yep
Do you have a crush on someone: yep
Ever been dumped: nope
Ever dumped someone: mutually bored
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: fruit
Black or White: is better than color
Lights On or Lights Off: depends on what I'm doing
TV or Movie: movie
Car or Truck: truck
Cash or Check: cash
Rock or Rap: rock
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
French Toast or French Fries: kisses
Strawberries or Blueberries: both please
Cookies or Muffins: cookies
Winter Break or Spring Break: spring
Hugs or Kisses: both
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: of course
Smiled for no reason: secret reasons
Laughed so hard you cried: of course
Talked to someone you don't know: of course
Drank alcohol: of course
Done drugs: just the good ones
Partied 'til the sun came up: of course
Gotten a ticket: of course
Been arrested: of course not
Been convicted of a crime: nope
Been in a wreck: nope
Been out of the country: just Iraq
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: of course
Ever TP'd someone's house: of course
Ever egged someone's house: nope
How many languages do you speak: 1.5
Who do you compare yourself to: myself 10 years ago
Ever regret anything: nope
Do you like being tickled: nope
What are your goals: develop a list of goals
Are your fingers tired: nope
Are you tired of this survey: yep
Are you happy: always
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everything except rap and techno
Your Celebrity Boob Twin:
Charlize Theron
Who's Your Celebrity Boob Twin?
I love movies that can make me cry, but there aren't many of them, and almost every movie made before 1970. It's a Wonderful Life, Some like it Hot, An Affair to Remember, Love Actually, The notebook, most movies with Jimmy Stewart.
whatever makes me laugh out loud; desperate housewives, grey's anatomy, Scrubs, and Crime stuff.
national geographic magazine, Dan Brown stuff, The Big Bang, retold fairy tales, science stuff, anything that makes me think really really hard.
momma, I'll try my whole life to be the woman she is;Dad, for cherishing class, for being old-fashioned, for calling John Wayne his hero, for giving up prejudices, and for being proud no matter what; Susan, for being herself, for never being afraid, and for her brutal honesty; Laura, for being every bit as great a momma as her own, and for being the strong one; Dillan, for handling these trials better than any grown up ever could; Shannon, for her free spirit, trusting heart, and adventurous soul; LtCol Marcotte, for renewing my family's faith in the goodness in people, and for making it possible to fulfill dad's last wishes.
What military aircraft are you?
F-15 Eagle
You are an F-15. Your record in combat is spotless; you've never been defeated. You possess good looks, but are not flashy about it. You prefer to let your reputation do the talking. You are fast, agile, and loud, but reaching the end of your stardom.
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