There once was a faerie called Claire, she danced and giggled everywhere......Watery, Fiery, Shiney, Smiley, Happy, Froggie, Chilbery, Dreamer, tryer, Scorpio moon, Big heart, Rolly Pollys, Hard grafter, thinker, watcher, soulful, Agony aunt, giggler, Earth mother, Red Dreds, Blunt, Crazy hippie, Living the dream, Cheese based snack. Why Not?I love my friends......
I love my job, my life,
my passions....meditation, yoga, travelling
(India & Nepal next on the list!)
Boarding (wake, wave n not fussed!)I love Being a pixie-faerie, wearing wings and covering people in glitter, Snowboarding, yoga, meditation, fire toys & circus arts, hula-hooping, dancing, wakeboarding, surfing, community arts, horse riding, psychadelia, autonomous arts, djembe, facepainting, giggling, exploring, chillin, walking without shoes, Rolly-pollys!Interests: Dreads 'n' Hoops, People, kerfufflers, faeries, pixies and other majikal folk, travelling, Glitter & wings, positivity, the outdoors, the ocean, smiles, conciousness, moosic, trippin, vans, festivals, sunshine, dredlocks, signs, cheese based snacks, the good life & all things shiney and happy :-)look into the twinkle in my eyes and join me on my enchanted journey through worlds beyond our wildest dreams.
Life is a journey not a destination so go
experience all you can....
Myspace Layouts at / The Fairy Dream