Scotty Dangerous™ profile picture

Scotty Dangerous™

There's just no way!

About Me

There's not all that much to put in my "About Me" section because I don't want to sound conceited and I don't want to sound like I'm fishing for compliments either. Let's just say you will have to get to know me.

If you need a band, show or other event promoted... i'm the guy for you. I love promoting.

If you're in a band and want to play here in Nashville, message me.

I'm not always on MySpace. I use MySpaceIM so it appears that I'm always on.

" Destroy all that which is evil.
So that which is good may flourish. "

My Interests

I'm interested in webdesign and advertising.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet a lot of people but I doubt I will ever have the chance. Here's a few.
Brandon Boyd Michael Einziger Gene Wilder David Bowie Matthew Bellamy Ronnie DeFeo Jr. Johnny Depp Freddie Mercury



Ah, my music. I have a huge gigantic list of music but I doubt anyone will read it. I will list some of my favorites though.
Incubus Muse Underoath The Devil Wears Prada Nine Inch Nails Trivium Tool A Perfect Circle Billy Talent Jimmy Eat World Paramore Elton John The Mars Volta At The Drive In ...tons more.


Queen of the Damned
The Departed
Boondock Saints
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
The Amityville Horror
Star Wars


I don't usually watch television.


Gods Blogs
Anne Rice
Lemony Snicket
J.K. Rowling


Anyone who has the guts to fight for not what they think is right but for what they know is right.