Bohdan was born in Warsaw, Poland, but lives in the UK now, where he tries his very best to write a PhD on poetry translation. He attended a French school, studied English literature, so perhaps he should have seen it coming. Bohdan is to blame for bringing slam to Poland: he owns up to this freely, and will accept reasonable punishment without too much grumbling. He has represented Poland at the 2007 Poetry Slam World Cup in Paris, where he was the only European to reach the finals. He proudly wears the title of the current Hammer & Tongue Oxford Slam Champion, and wishes there was a belt to go with it, or at least a hat. He particularly enjoys inflicting poems in Polish on unsuspecting international audiences.
Bohdan has a tendency to speak too much, likes walking, but not chewing gum, and hopes to learn to play bass one day. He finds writing about himself in the third person disturbingly enjoyable.