]e++r;sH profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Doobi Doo: UIC marketers
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Blue Sky: Hale "Chaos Legion"
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**** THE MATRIX DOCK DEFENSE ****AOL users click here to play this cool game!OpEn LiNkS:[1.] NEO:the ONE[2.] enter THE matrixDO YOU REALLY BELIEVE ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE, SMELL AND FEEL?.....WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD....ENTER THE MATRIX...[3.] CLICK to WATCH mah FAVORITE web SITE!!!TyWanna see more of mah favorites...?....FINAL FANTASY SCREENSHOTS and PICTURE GALLERIES....[4.] Wanna freaky STUFF again?...hehe CHECK this OUT!!!wanna SEE viDEOs men WHO's BEING beheaded, HANDS CUT-OFF, MURDERED, and more mORE?.... welcome to the real world people...have a NICE TIME watchin'....Ü
Hi my space pals!!This is Jett (male).... MY real name is cesar, 16 yrz old. I'm a college student..... I like people who accepts me for what I am and makes me feel good about being myself..I'm funny not because I'm bold headed but that's real me...A JOKER!!I like playing any kind of video games but there is one game that I idolize the most and that is SQURESOFTS FINAL FANTASY...... Well that's it folks,have a lovely day.. Thahthah!
- premade layout by jet3sh -jettrish@atenista.net / jet3sh@yahoo.com[FRIENDSTER].........jet3sh@yahoo.com [PINOYSTER][]Ellow everyone...I'm JettrisH...kung ano ang nakikita ninyo sa page ko..it reflects mah lifestyle..magulo..whakekekekeke[] __________________________________________________________je ttrish... WHAZZUP GUYZZ!!! THE DOCTOR OF ALL SHITS IS IN THE HOUSE!!! HI to all MySpacers Out there... Wanna know me more? I'm Really Sorry fOr those PeoplE Who hAs a trouble Of reaDin' THis Piece oF S**t...Ummm....it'S uP to Ya guys iF ya want to Read It.... Well... OK! I'm 17 yrz. old, AbsolUteLy A 101% MaN...... I'm sTudying at Anteneo de Davao University..... an enGiNeeR iN the MAking.... I liKE textiNg and I like Sharing Loads +o o+hers.... I'm noT Shittin' YA Guyszz... I really do Share mAh Load.... HAVE YA EVER BEEN IN LOVE?...AKO?Yup, I have..... AND I WANT YA'LL TO LOOK BEHIND THE EARS OF MAH LOVE LIFE.... ONCE,A GURL CAME INTO MAH LIFE... WE WERE BEST OF FRIENDS... I THOUGHT SHE'S JUST MAH FRIEND... BUT.....TIME PASSES....I FELT LIKE I'M FALLIN' FOR HER...AND MAH UNRESPONSIVE LIFE HAS REVOLUTIONIZED BY THIS FEELIN' OF BIENG IN LOVE....EVERYTIME SHE'S NOT BY MAH SIDE...LONELINESS STRUCK ME...SHE'S MAKING ME CRAZY...I WANTED TO TELL HER THAT I REALLY LOVE HER...BUT I CAN'T COZ I'M AFRAID...DAMN!!YET,THERE WAS A TIME THAT I HAVE THE "C" TO TELL...IT WAS FRIDAY...RAINY...COLD HANDS KEEP ON RUBBIN'...SUDDENLY...SHE'S WALKIN' TOWARDS ME..MAH HEART IS POUNDING HASTILY...SOFT VOICE KISS MAH EARS..."OH!WHAT A DAY!!"SHE ASKED ME SOME NOTHINGS...BUT THERE WAS A QUESTION THAT REALLY SMACKED MAH ASS...SHE ASKED ME WHO IS MAH CRUSH...AND I ANSWERED HER..."SHIT"...I BITE MAH FUCKIN' TONGUE...I TOLD HER THAT SHE'S MAH CRUSH..."SHooOT"..FROM THAT DAY... I LOST HER..."FROM NOW ON...I DON'T WANT TO FALL INLOVE ANYMORE..."YAN ANG SINABI KO TO MYSELF...but I can't stop LOVIN'....what will I do? CAN YOU HELP ME...can anybody give me some advice.....(jettrish@atenista.net / jet3sh@yahoo.com[FRIENDSTER].........jet3sh@yahoo.com [PINOYSTER]) jettrish@atenista.net / jet3sh@yahoo.com[FRIENDSTER].........jet3sh@yahoo.com [PINOYSTER]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet this beautiful celebrity..... her name is Zhao Wai, star of a blockbuster movie, SO CLOSE... but I'd really like to meet all of ya MySpace people...... Ü

Other open links: [5.] It has been nearly fifteen years since the war between the orcs and humans ended. An uneasy peace settled over the land while, for years, the drums of war were silent. Yet the kingdoms of men grew complacent in their victory - and slowly, the defeated orcish clans regrouped under the banner of a new visionary leader.Now a darker shadow has fallen over the world, threatening to extinguish all life - all hope. The drums of war play upon the winds once again - rising urgently towards the inevitable hour when the skies will rain fire - and the world will tremble before the coming of the Burning Legion.The Day of Judgment has come...ARE you A big FAN of BLIZZARD's WARCRAFT 3[REIGN of CHAOS]?.......Ü[6.] Following in the tradition of previous Blizzard expansion sets, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne provides gamers with a vast new chapter in the epic Warcraft saga. In the single-player campaign, players revisit the war-torn world of Azeroth. Several months have passed since Archimonde and the Burning Legion were defeated at the battle of Mount Hyjal, yet a new threat has arisen throughout the land. The evil Lich King Ner'zhul has been imprisoned inside the Icecrown glacier, deep within the arctic continent of Northrend. Although the former Orc Shaman lacks physical form, his soul lives on, forever seeking a means to escape his icy prison. As the saga continues, it is revealed that both the Night Elf renegade, Illidan, and the traitorous Death Knight, Arthas, seek the Icecrown glacier and the mysterious powers found inside. While it is uncertain as to what is being sought inside the icy tomb, players must traverse uncharted lands and battle treacherous new enemies to uncover the schemes of these nefarious beings, and save all of Azeroth from the forces of darkness ...WANNA see MORE of BLIZZARD's WARCRAFT 3[THE frozen THRONE]?.......ÜProbe the depths of Blizzard fantasy with the ever growing collection of Blizzard paperback novels from Pocket Books. For further reading, check out our selection of Blizzard eBooks.... [7.] BLIZZARD novels?...HMM!!...cool, ISN'T it?...Ü


I like "punk rocks" like Good Charlotte, Green Day, Simple Plan, Sum 41, etc.. but not all "punk rocks". I also like alternative, love songs and R&bs.. My favorite song is IRIS by Goo Goo Dolls.. You want to know why?(hehe) Eh, kung I don't like ya to know.. :-) bhe!!

IrisAnd I'd give up forever to touch you 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right nowAnd all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life 'Cause sooner or later it's over I just don't want to miss you tonightAnd I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I amAnd you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything feels like the movies Yeah you bleed just to know you're aliveAnd I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I amAnd I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I amAnd I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am


....................Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, & Matrix Revolution, LORD OF THE RINGS: The Fellowship of the Ring, LORD OF THE RINGS:The Two Towers , & LORD OF THE RINGS:The Return of the King, SPIDER-MAN 1 & 2....... I know you've seen those movies for a hundred times right?.. WOW!! A HUNDRED TIMES TALAGA!! O.A.(hehe) .................. I love to watch love stories like HERE ON EARTH and heart touching movies like CAST AWAY,A BEAUTIFUL MIND, andSAVING PRIVATE RYAN.

-- ]e++r;sH: Matrix ping-pong -- ]e++r;sH_CLICK ME biYaTcH!!-- ]e++r;sH: ff -- / Final Fantasy


....just for laughs & variety, bubble gang, national geo, discov. cha, Smallville, and japanese anime tv series..


Any kind of books.. But there is a book in titled "I'ROBOT",based on a movie, which has a wonderful story and I'd give it a 2 thumbs up after reading it...

My Blog

Blink 182 - I Miss You

Posted by ]e++r;sH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

All American Rejects - Swing Swing

Posted by ]e++r;sH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Hoobastank - The Reason

Posted by ]e++r;sH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved

Posted by ]e++r;sH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Nelly - My Place

Posted by ]e++r;sH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Busted - What I Go To School For

Posted by ]e++r;sH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

MAROON 5 - This Love

Posted by ]e++r;sH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


]e r;sH_CLICK ME biYaTcH!!...
Posted by ]e++r;sH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

GREEN DAY - American Idiot

]e r;sH...
Posted by ]e++r;sH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Iris And I'd give up forever to touch you 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now And all I can taste is ...
Posted by ]e++r;sH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST