sHoppInG, shOppInG aNd mORe sHoppInG! aPaRT frOm wHeN i'M sHoppInG, i LovE tO gO oUt wItH mY maTeS, wAtcH moViEs, gOinG ouT foR a MeaL, gOinG oUt fOr a fEw dRinkS, bOwLing (bUt oNly WheN tHe sIDes aRE uP!), rElAXinG, liSteNing tO mUsiC, sIttiNg in tHe sUn, sLeePinG, goInG tO cOnCeRts, gOing tO the bEacH, gEttIng tHe goSSip aNd gEttinG it fIrsT!
adopt your own virtual pet!
*viVieNNe wEstwOOd*aLeXanDeR mCQuEEn*tHe BeAtLes*tHe kOOks*aS mAny rEaL LEprEchAunS aS i cAn*cUtE tHinGs*tRilBy hAts*
*iRiSh aCceNts*mArY QuAnT*zArA*cOffEE*miNi cOOpErs*pReTTy tHinGs*dOdGeM cArs*cOOkiEs*gHoSt CheRisH*tRiLby hAts*bLaCk aNd wHiTe pHoTogRaPhS*tHe siMpLe tHinGs*rAnDoMnEss*mY cAt sHaY*aLeXaNdeR bELL*gReeN tOps*hAwAiiAn PiZZa*tHe mOd siGn*LiTTLe bRoWn bAgS*mY LePreChaUn FeArgUL*sTaRbuCkS*
*tHe kOOks *tHe fRaTeLLis *tHe bEaTLes *tHe kiLLerS *kAisEr ChIeFS *fOO fIghTeRs *tHe kInks *gReeNdAy *hArd Fi *tHe jAm *wiLL yoUng *rAmOnEs *sNoW pAtroL *jAmiE cULLum *nIckELbAck *oRsOn *ocEaN cOLouR sCeNE *jOhN leGeNd *bRyAn aDaM *u2 *rObbIe wiLLiAmS *tHe fuTurehEads *rEd hOt cHilli pEppErs *raZorLigHt *wEstLife *tHe tHriLLs *aRctIc mOnkEYs *kT tuNsTaLL *tHe wHO *ThE kOOkS *kAnYe wEsT *sTeReoPhONicS *tHe zUtONs *thE fEEliNg *jAck JoHnsoN
* oCeaN's eLevEn * oCeAn'S tWeLve * tHe bOurNe iDenTity * tHe bOuRnE sUmPrEmCy * bRuCe aLmiGhtY * a kNigHts tALe * tItAniC * wItHout a pAddLe* piRaTeS oF tHe cAriBBeaN * loVe aCtUallY * gReASe * 50 fIrSt dAteS * lEgallY bLonDe * cRasH * aLiEn AuToPsY *
aNytinG wiTH AnT n dEc :D sAtUrdaY niGhT taKeawAY...iT waS fAb to Be at TheiR LiVe shOW anD gO baCksTagE aNd mEeT tHeM aFterwaRDs! i aLsO liKe bAddIel aNd SkinnEr uNplAnnEd, iT's So fUnNy aNd eVeN i gEt theIr jOkeS! yAy! liTTle bRitaiN iS onE of mY fAvourITeS tOO, i lOVe aNne! fAthEr tEd...i aM sO oN DouGaL's waVelEngTh, noT thAt i shoUld Be admiTtinG tHat! pRojeCT caTwalk wAs oNe oF thE moSt amAZing shoWS...i lOved mAttHew!
i Don'T reAd ofTeN, bUt i LikEd tO kIll a moCKingBIrD aNd CapTaiN cOrELLi's maNdolIn!
mY faMiLy aNd fRieNds, tHey'Re faB!