Picture yourself looking for new records and stumbling upon the bandname kleines einmannsportsegelboot. What kind of music can you expect? If you actually dare to listen to a band whose name your friends won't even remember long enough to repeat, you're already on board.
But then again, you can call them kes.
kleines einmannsportsegelboot in English literally means small one man sailing boat. That does not give much of a clue about the bands music, though...
tous les soirs (2007)
panama (2002)
für den tiger (2001)
kleines einmannsportsegelboot (1999)
City:Sounds (City of Vienna & FM4 Soundpark, 2004 - the glitter when we walk)
Es wird gehen... (Kopfmusik, 2004 - freaks and fairies)
Moreover Mödling (12rec, 2006 - nordwaggon)
KES on last.fm