The Nooks and Crannies of Brooklyn and Manhattan
You, preferably in a dodgy neighborhood running through back allies...I don't know...Seu Jorge?
Interpol, Billie Holiday, Chet Baker, Jacques Brehl, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, ...
Trainspotting, Snatch, Sexy Beast, Kung Fu Hustle, LA Confidential, Killing Zoe, Old Boy, C'est arrive pres de chez vous, Les Invasions Barbares, Before Sunset, Before Sunrise, Casablanca, Shawn of the Dead, Les Enfants du Paradis, French detective noir/ Bad Horror Films with no point...
The Daily Show, The Office, Camera Cafe, Lost, Twin Peaks
Murakami Haruki, Dostoyevski, Kafka, Aldous Huxley, Hemmingway, Sartre, Camus...