Cory Melanson Band profile picture

Cory Melanson Band

About Me

Why Music....because it is the soundtrack of our lives. Songs are like people. My songs are like people, they start out as thoughts or a feeling and they take on a life of their own. Like people every song is different each one has a purpose. What makes a good song depends on it's relevance to the listener. What makes a friend a friend? the relation of shared circumstances between the two, moments however small or astounding is what book marks the chapters of our life. What is music? is the same as, what is life? Everything is made up of tiny particles of energy moving around through space, so in essence we are all music! If you want to know things like where I was born etc. I guess this is where you'd be looking so here it goes. My full name is Cory Anthony Melanson, Hometown Rumford Maine. My music history is as follows (you may want to grab a beer, light a smoke or whatever it is you do to get through this.) My earliest memory of hearing recorded sound was introduced to me by my grandmother at the age of 3 she played this Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson album to get me to sleep. Willie's voice so unique, I needed it, but that wasn't all I also had to dress like a cowboy wearing the hat and the boots and a toy guitar everywhere. I would sing "mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys" my grandparents and my parents would laugh and I'd run off crying behind the garage every time. (I recently came to terms with my talents and don't run behind the garage anymore) I got my first guitar when I was eight years old with money I saved from moving lawns. This was the same time I ever heard the Beatles it changed me forever. Other than Led Zeppelin and Elton John nothing had ever effected me that same way as Beatles music. I took a total of five guitar lessons before realizing I learned much better on my own listening to records. If I liked a group I learned all their songs, one week it was AC/DC then Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix and so on. My father was responsible for showing me great music, music that moved me anyway, he had some Johnny Winter records when I first heard Johnny's "Be Careful with a fool" it blew my mind, to this day it still blows me away but I wanted to play guitar like that and fell in love with blues guitar. SRV. another jaw dropper. I love music that has that raw passion that desperation something real, truth and beauty when those elements are aligned miraculous things happen. Music isn't so much about the sound for me it's a feeling. I performed Stairway to heaven to my eighth grade glass that was probably my first live performance. From there it was mostly school assemblies graduations, parties. I played in a few bands. I began hitting all the open mic nights and landed a gig hosting one of them at Teena's restaurant in Rumford. I play many shows in Bethel at a place called the Sudsbury Inn (suds pub). I played at The Four Seasons in Rangely Maine for awhile. I taught music to kids at Meroby elementary school in Mexico Me. The Hotel Rumford, The Shack, etc. My first group was a blues rock trio Called Soul Bridge,with Tommy the H bomb Hines and Pete Puiia. From there I fronted Divine Madness with some close friends. Chad, Jason. Chris. I like to send a hell ya out to them great guys. When moving to Portland I played at the "Big Easy" with the great blues guitarist Mike Hayward. I Hosted an open mic at a bar called the Goldmine in the Oldport while playing with the group "Healing Stone" all good moments and great memories! My last two Groups were Inter Venus Rythym (I.V.R) With Mike and Dave Tozier and Ryan Bordeau, when Mike moved away we became "Electric Wine." We still play on occasion! I started writing songs in High school and since have gathered notebooks full of them. Recently in December of 2007 I began recording these songs. Old and new there's a good mix of originals tunes on on my new C.D. titled "Dreamers Road". It's in the finishing stages. Special Thanks to Dave Mckeever for "the studio and also Bass on three of the tracks. Thanks to My brother Jason for his work on Drums. And Thanks to my sister who is doing all the artwork for the "Dreamers Road" album. The songs currently on this page are "Dreamers Road" the title track on the new disc, "Lovers Fall" is an older song on the new disc and "Brave New England Sky" is a newer song off the new disc. So now we are all up to date...I want to say to everyone Peace and Thank you. We become our thoughts, so stay positive.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/22/2007
Band Members: Cory Melanson - Vocals, Bass, and Guitar.Jason Melanson - Drums
Record Label: Unsigned

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