well...where do i start? lol///
im 15 ///
a female///
am bisexual <3///
easily hyper..i do things that even scare me lol///
i disturb people so be warned!!///
eyeliner is a total necessity//
there wont be many pics of me because i dont want to get caught by my parents again[ask me and i'll tell you the whole story]///
i <3 music[who doesnt]///
i love writing poetry..drawing..reading[bit of a nerd lol]///
i dont really like people younger than me[less than 14/15] (my friends dont count here)///
you may call me weird but i take as a compliment lol///
if you hate me so much post as much comments as you want ill only delete them..i mean it's not like you will put your hand through the screen and punch me.....thought so!///
well that's all for now
sweet nightmares
You're Not Funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJx55ShcgxY