It's a BrutalDeath Metal One-Man-Band started in the last months of 2007 by the will of Alessandro "Fetz" Simonetti who is the man behind all the guitar riffs, all the vocals lines and all the drum-programming.
In the Beginning of the 2008 has been released the self-produced OMEGA DEMO recorded entirely by Alessandro. in October 2008 EGEMONY takes part in a 3 way split released by SEVARED RECORDS that also includes FLESH IMPALED from Northern Ireland and INFINITE DEFILEMENT from Australia.
Actually Fetz Is working on his full lenght that is going to be released in November 2008 by NICE TO EAT YOU RECORDS and distribuited also by SEVARED RECORDS. The Full will be entitled "Baptysm Of The Unborm" and it will contain more than half an hour of blasting BrutalDeath metal with lethal mid tempos and raging blasts!
Contact Me:
MSN:[email protected]
EMAIL:[email protected]
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Check out my brothers in Death Metal DEADLYSTRAINS! Violent Death Metal from the southern Italy!
Add the Banner of my brothers in Death Metal DeadlyStrain!
I also support the aussie one man band!