I live about a block from the beach, so I can never forget that it's there. When I first moved here 2 years ago, someone told me if you're ever sad or lonely, head to the beach and you'll remember why you're here. I try to make it a couple times a week, even if it's just to check the water temp. On the weekends, there's this great thing called dog beach and for $20 a year, you can bring your dog down to swim in the ocean and hang out with other dogs.I love traveling everywhere new and exciting (even old and boring too). I travel a ton for work, so I always try to add on a day or two if it's somewhere fun. I just started running last year. I've kinda become obsessed now. I train to run marathons, so I run about 30-40 miles a week. Right now, the plan is to go home (minneapolis) for the Twin Cities marathon. And what a better reward than a post race party with all my old buddies. I ran my first marathon with my brother Gino, and now my goal is to beat his time so that he'll come out of "retirement". Other than that, I love to just hang out at home. I have 1 fabulous roomate, an amazing boyfriend, a crazy resuce dog from Hurrican Katrina and a super cool new apartment, so there's always something happening. I've really gotten into cooking recently, (where that came from I have no idea, because last year I couldn't even boil water very well) and I hate to admit it, but I did get sucked into American Idol this year. (under the influence of my father.)
I'm soooooo bad at keeping in touch with old friends, so this seems like a good place to start.
Words are so much more important to me than the melody. I'm such a sucker for a good old fashioned love song.
I haven't ever seen a movie I didn't like. I love all the 80's classic, and anything with John Cusak. I also like anything with a dry humor, the kind of movies you can laugh at over and over, but no one else really gets what's so funny.
I've got bookshelves filled with everything from Travel Guides to Religion to Biographys. I always read non fiction over anything else. I don't have a lot of time, so If I'm going to spend it reading, I want to learn something. I'm addicted to magazines, (all of them) I've also been learning spanish this year, so I've spent a lot of time with my textbooks.
My Brother, Corey, he beat cancer twice, struggled finding his place in the world the last few years, but now he's got a spirit like no one I've ever know. My other Brother Gino, the smartest, most diplomatic guy I know. He's the peace keeper of the family.