Fabiola Saccomanno studied Photodesign and Painting in Hamburg. She studied Voice and Performance/Acting (synapsing) in Italy, USA and Europe and performed her own Jazz/Experimental Prgramm and also she works as an Actress. Fabiola also studied Make Up and Massage.
She performed the Acid Queen in the Musical "The Who", she played in "Starclub the story" and many others. She worked 6 years as a backround singer in the band of Sarah Connor etc, Revelation Gospel singers, etc.
She works also as a Voice/Performance teacher, including her work as an Make Up Artist and Voicerelaxing Bodywork.
At the moment she works on a new programm including all styles she loves.
It includes her work as anActress, Painter and Photographer but most of all
to her inner voice and own creativity.
She works very close together with her brother Maurizio Saccomanno (www.myspace.com/mauriziosaccomanno).
and creates shows with different Bands (www.myspace.com/tinkerbells6), Mood Indigo etc.Zur Zeit arbeitet Fabiola an einem eigenen Programm in italienischer und englischer Sprache.
Weiter schreibt Fabiola Songs und Lieder für Projekte, Events und andere Künstler.
Fabiola Saccomanno singt seit 2003 als Backgroundsängerin bei Sarah Connor, spielt mit Mood Indigo ein Bar-Jazz Programm, arbeitet als Studiosängerin, Synchronsprecherin, Moderatorin und Performancekünstlerin mit den Tinkerbells siehe www.myspace.com/tinkerbells6.Die Fotos der abgebildeten Jazzkünstler sind gemalt und illustriert von Heinrich Römisch PL/D
Fabiola Saccomanno e Gruppo