Hey Everybody! This is a fansite for the wonderful, Ryan Gallagher. Our names are Candice and Sandy, mother and daughter, and we are from Virginia Beach, VA. We finally got to meet Ryan this past October when we went to Pennsylvania for an event he was signing at after talking to him on here for the past year or so. He is not only an awesome musician but an awesome person. He is truly one of the nicest guys you'll meet and pretty funny too! :-)Ryan has been doing a lot of work the past few months and spending a lot of time in Nashville meeting meet some big names. He just finished recording some new music which he wrote. Make sure you go to his page at www.myspace.com/ryangallaghermusic and take a listen. When you're done let Ryan and us know what you think!Ryan definitely has big things ahead of him! We invite you to sit back and watch as he starts his awesome journey to the top!Definitely comment us and let us know what you think of the site!
Layout by CoolChaser