Blqlite (aka Shiro Sivan~Nnamdi) profile picture

Blqlite (aka Shiro Sivan~Nnamdi)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

BUT FIRST.... IN REMEMBRANCE...LET US ALL CELEBRATE THE DAYS OF MIRACLES AND WONDERMENT! YES WE CAN OBAMA YES WE CANI AM A POET and A MESSENGER. I am a seeker of knowledge and wisdom and I share and exchange it with as many as I possibly can. I am a believer that believes creativity is evidence of The CREATOR GOD and all of GOD’s Creations serve a purpose by design. People that choose to explore their creativity and share it with the world are the types of people I choose to associate with. I also choose to communicate with the world openly and freely and express myself and my beliefs in that manner. I do not claim any particular form of organized religion nor do I consider anyone that does to be wrong or perhaps right for that matter. I try to make myself as familiar with the as many faiths and philosophies as I can and I respect people's rights to choose what is best for them. I do not judge nor submit to being judged. I believe there is but ONE, who is called by many names and is given many interpretations. This I find as being acceptable choices people are free to make. But I also believe there is no dispute or variance distinguished by the ONE. That is simply how various peoples chose to believe. I believe that prayer is a dynamic force and energy by which we connect and align ourselves to the ONE. I believe we all have a "vibration" that distinguishes us, one from another and that we choose to allow different vibrations to enter into ours. That affects how we connect. Vibrations which are in harmony with our own are easy to accept and make us feel even more vibrant. Those that resonate much differently may be harder to accept and some can actually be devastating. Avoid them at all cost if possible. Some will be attracted by their harmony with you and seek to share mutual benefits. Some will be attracted by their desires to selfishly consume all the energy they can for their own benefit alone. Unless you are strong within yourself and your power, these are the ones to avoid. There is surely an evil that exists just as there is a good. Do not confuse the practioners of either by what they claim. Know within yourself what it is you choose. If you intentionally choose to harm in anyway, you can and will be harmed. If you choose instead to help, to heal and be humane, you can expect no harm to befall you. There is nothing to fear and nothing that will hold your Spirit, Mind or Body captive or destroy you. Not even death. You will be free to be all that is within your capabilities and will continue to grow. The ONE endowed us with a single capability which no other Beings within Creation have. Clearly we have been given the capacity to cultivate, communicate and convey at will a feeling about the people and world around us. We call it LOVE. evil can not LOVE and LOVE can not serve evil. The only true "war" ever waged is this. The only battle, the only struggle, the only fight is between LOVE and evil. LOVE never justifies war under any circumstance only evil does that. LOVE never seeks to destroy or calculates acceptable levels of loss. Only evil does that. Those that choose LOVE live, those that have it backwards, spell it backwards... evil. To know who I am you first needed to know what I believe and now you do.Who am I? First and foremost I am a Poet. That is all any need to know to understand me. It is what I use to understand myself and the world around me. My gift which along with my voice serves me well because I serve the ONE that is LOVE. This is my truth as well as my shield. I walk in POWER and not in fear because I am well aware of my connection to the Creative Source. I am a warrior born of warriors. A man of knowledge who is still learning.I'm originally from Jamaica, NY. (115th Ave and 149th St off of Sutphin to be exact). I was given the name Stephen Williams at birth... so were many others. The name is common. I am not.Evolving constantly, life is change and that name, which they, my parent's, chose for me was sufficient through out their life time on this planet and I kept it respectfully and respectful. I will always do so. However as I watched my mother transition to the next level I knew that I was witnessing another birthing process and she that birthed me allowed me to attend to her in that process. It was my mother who taught me to see the world with a poet's eyes and be a poet and my father who gave me the wisdom to see the purpose of poetry in all aspects of life. Life is change, always and in all things and a poet must be able to translate and interpret it all as best they can. In doing so we have the capacity to heal both the heart and mind, to stir the Spirit and channel the actions of others. It is a powerful gift and allows us to transcend time and space at will. Everyone is a poet waiting to happen but everyone does not HAPPEN to be a poet. This why I happened and this is why I am here. So I, traveling at the speed of a reborn man, move in and out of the being that I am and that I need to be at the precise moment I am required. I, me, we. Several incarnations and several variations within a single present life time yet all of the same spirit and origin germinated just as you were from the first seed of life. I am unique, just like everyone else. The only difference between you and I perhaps is I "see" the realities of things that can not be seen by the naked eye as well as what is clearly visible and perhaps hidden in plain sight as well. (Blqlite/Black light) I reveal them to those that may need to see it for themselves. Sometimes whether they like it or not. When I was 5 my grandmother told me that there are "a myriad of things both seen and unseen that surround us at all times". Of course I believed her instantly, after all we respected the wisdom of our elders and they in turn understood their duty to teach us the wisest ways of knowledge.But I wanted to know what the word "myriad" meant and I wanted to find this out on my own. Simply because I loved the sound of it and I knew people did not use it often so that made it special to me. I discovered what it meant by definition but that single word "opened me up". It began my love for the creative use and power of words as well as my thirst for discovering and uncovering the uncommon common senses beyond the five we have been taught is all we have. I believe we have a "myriad" of senses we simply refute because we have been tuned into a world that may not want us to have the knowledge we need to get it right. So Stephen W. Williams, registered in books of man, can only see and be seen within the boundaries of those registries... birth certificate, school records, military records, resumes... ultimately a death certificate will close the book of man on him. What may be known of me in those documents will be limited just as I am limited in my total knowledge of who I am and that is the path that I stay on. Some call it the road to enlightenment.The records will not show anything that is valuable information to anyone other than those who have made it their business to track our journey for whatever they feel they need to do. Do you really believe the card that gets you a discount at the grocery store is doing something for you? What happened to treating every customer special and offering deals to anyone? Why are my demographics important to anyone other than me? Why can't I check off all the boxes when you ask my ethnic background? I think they all apply somewhere along the line. Why must I deny my ancestors for your benefit and just what is your purpose for asking. What file do I end up in if I answer it wrong,,, the right one? Frankly I wish I knew more but traditions have fallen away and the registries have become "tradition". Some hid their identity, some never trusted and refused to be registered. I for argument sake will accept African-American because it is recognition that Africa was the birth place of civilization so I can claim that and I am a native born American which I can not deny and no one can take away from me. Of my other ethnic origins that I am aware of other than what some may consider obvious I have knowledge of but two by the words of my mother and father. I know that one of my great-grandmothers was full blood Cherokee on my father's side and a great grandfather on my mother’s side was Greek. But frankly, all we may need to know is that the origin of civilization is in all of us and that includes the material that is found in the stars as well as the living earth which is our mother and host and should be treated as such. Gibran said "There must be something strangely sacred in salt. It is in our tears and in the sea." All life is sacred, all beings are sacred and no single group possesses more or less than the other. If we could get that right there'd be no reason for war. There never is a good reason to go to war and never a battle fought that should last more than the time it takes the sun to rise and fall. No battles should continue by the light of the moon or at the first rays of the new rising sun.I may not be able to trace my roots back to Africa but that has been done for all humanity. We are all simply flames that the first spark created. That may be theory mixed with philosophy but it is my truth I speak. What I KNOW for sure is that my life, this life in the here and now may be looked at as a single event by observers trained to see it that way. I also know that someone someday will provide lip service and claim I am "in a better place". For the record I CAME FROM A BETTER PLACE... WE ALL DID!!! THIS IS A PLACE THAT IS BETTER THAN WE ALLOW IT TO BE MOSTLY... AND I AM GOING TO A BETTER PLACE FOR SURE WHEN GOD'S LOVE REQUIRES IT OF MY SOUL... EACH AND EVERY TIME IT HAPPENS I AM WHERE THE DIVINE NEEDS ME TO BE. Just as we all are. Most simply fail to see it that way. For me there is nothing but the Spirit. The Spirit can not be contained in any building just as it can not remain forever within the confines of our bodies. I am simply a messenger of which there are and always have been a myriad. Those most profound of us have suffered from the ignorance of people to recognized the truth held in the message or the messenger. I recognize many of the messengers of record and fail to accept any doctrine that will not embrace any one of them as if we could honestly believe that a Loving God would choose one of His children over the other and that goes for all of us. That is absurd. So if your belief is there is only one way to believe and if you would call what I am saying blasphemy or be afraid of terms I may use such as "MAGIC" I beg your pardon. I respect that is your belief I but don't endorse or embrace it for myself. My belief is not based on fear, hate, retribution, consequences and favoritism. You don't get a reward and you don't get a penalty. But you are destined to always face the Karma of you true heart and nature and you will only continue progress by your ability to get it right. You don't get to come back and try again but you will continue to exist in another form in another place. What it is, where it is all dependent upon you. One told us there were many mansions and if it were not so.... My belief is simply based on LOVE, the only thing my/our God is about... you can not pray to my God for assistance to fight a neighbor or wage war for any reason. Again you are asking the Divine to select you and your ways over others that have been Created by Divine design. Who do you think you are? Someone or something greater than GOD that is in me and within us all? You can not pray to my God to have more than you have right now but you can be thankful and you can be a better person than you let yourself be and be kinder to others and remember that you in your encounters with strangers you have entertained angels without being aware. If that brings you blessings it is because all blessing are always given to you by your ability to see within yourself what you believe and what you deserve. Try recognizing the ones that don't have price tags for a change. Blessings have been surrounding you and you have tripped over some while chasing after things of less import. If you don't understand there have been Messengers sent. LOVE has sent many prophets and messengers into the world and we either accept or reject them. Let me tell you about a Prophet that came to his people but many did not accept him. When the Prophet died many of his teachings were studied and many tried to be like him and perform the miracles that he showed could be done by the mirrors of his hands which had the ability to make us look at our own reflections and see what we may not want to look at. This all took place in my lifetime and I know its truth and I speak it. There came a Prophet with the greatest message to heal a wounded world were there was violence and corruption and war. At a young age he knew he had a destiny to meet and a purpose unlike any other of his time or that would follow after him. He lived amongst his people for a time but eventually he traveled across an ocean. Eventually he made a slight return and from the very beginning he showed us he was serious with his message of LOVE by sacrificing something he loved for this is the way it is often done. Some only saw theatrics even after he said plainly why he did it. He continued to deliver his message and people listened but only a few could really hear it at the time. Ultimately just as he was trying to reach his people that did not outwardly accept him the Prophet no longer lived amongst us. There was wailing and the gnashing of teeth and the people were sad and grieved but many of his prophesies came to be and they did "wrap him up in cellophane and sell him" and a money changer that was using him for his greed of money and power found the truth in his warning to "look out for some of those airplane rides you been taking especially the ones that are flying too low". FEEL ME? There are a myriad of truths that can be told about this Prophet, perhaps even deeper by people that were not around him at the time with any vested interest other than to hear what the Prophet had to say. Those of us that were in the outposts "receiving him all right" Unfortunately we did not hear the CRY OF LOVE until after he was declared dead or perhaps we would have gotten the message he dispatched to us, particularly in the message STRAIGHT AHEAD where he said he could not do it alone and that he didn't think that he would make it... and he said "BROTHERS HELP ME" but he was silenced before the message came through loud and clear. But the message is LOVE and that never changes and never dies. Jimi left us instructions. The first was if he dies to keep playing the records. The rest is in the recordings. His are not simply lyrics they are messages. LISTEN TO STRAIGHT AHEAD... it is the wisdom we must apply right now. WE HAVE TO GET TOGETHER AND ORGANIZE... and we have to teach the young because they will be running things one day if we can manage to leave them anything worth running. Those of us that lived in the days of this Prophet need to get out of our graves, practice what we preach and keep moving STRAIGHT AHEAD!!! FEEL ME? I wear many signs of our power in many ways. With all due respect to the power of the name I was given at birth, I chose the name SHIRO SIVAN NNAMDI for myself. It means "4th son, born in the 9th month, a reincarnation of my father". I am simply a messenger passing on the MESSAGE OF LOVE I hope you are receiving me all right.I do believe in magic. I was born and raised in a magic time, in a magic town, among magicians. When I was twelve, the words was my magic lantern, and by its green spirit glow I saw the past, the present, and into the future. We all start out knowing magic. We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires, and comets inside us. We are born able to sing to birds and read the clouds and see out destiny in grains of sand. But then we get the magic educated right out of our souls. We get it churched out, spanked out, washed out, and combed out. We get put in the straight and narrow and told to be responsible. Told to act our age. Told to grow up, for God’s sake. And you know why we’re told that? Because the people doing the telling were afraid of our wilderness and youth, and because the magic we knew made them ashamed and sad at what they allowed to whither in themselves. After you get so far away from it, though, you can’t really get it back. You can have seconds of it. Just seconds of knowing and remembering. When people get all weepy at movies, it’s because in that dark theatre, the golden pool of magic is touched, just briefly. Then they come out into the hard sun of logic and reason again and it dries up, and they’re left feeling a little heartsad and not knowing why. For the briefest of instants, you have stepped into the magic realm. The truth of life is that every year we get farther away from the essence that is born within us. We get shouldered with burdens, some of them good, some of them not so good. Things happen to us. Loved ones die. People get in wrecks, and get crippled. It’s not hard to do, in this world of crazy mazes. Life itself does its best to take that memory of magic away from us. You don’t know its happening until one day you feel like you’ve lost something, but you’re not sure what it is." -Written by Robert McCammon (from Boy's Life)

(a father's bragging rights)

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dr. Wayne Dyer, Nikki Giovanni, Saul Williams, Anne Rice, George Carlin (but no time soon now), Visionary Artist Alex Grey, Salvador Dali (ooops think I blew that one) Gil Scott-Heron Lindsey Williams and here is why... PLEASE WATCH THIS.....MESSAGE TO THE MESSENGERS BY GIL SCOTT-HERON (AN ORIGINAL VIDEO BY BLQLITE)

My Blog


How Could It Be?   Read these lines from a movie script and see if you recognize them; " Seventy-five years. That’s how much time you get if you’re lucky. Seventy-five years. S...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 09:50:00 GMT


  I am pleased so many have accepted my humble tribute to Buddy Miles. I hope we all continue to speak not in terms of our "loss" but the amazing gain we have shared. He may be beyond what we hav...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 09:10:00 GMT


..> Before I forget the following poem I wrote while in 7th grade. I had a notebook with my poetry but it and most of it's content was lost along the way.   FLOWERS OF THE SEEDS we the c...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 05:22:00 GMT


The War Prayer by Mark Twain It was a time of great and exalting excitement. The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 00:54:00 GMT


Alan Shore's closing argument in the episode, "STICK IT" from the 2nd Season of BOSTON LEGAL. SCENARIO: A women decides not to pay her taxes in protest to the war because her brother, a "patriot" was...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:29:00 GMT

The Tale of the

The quote on my home page regarding "magic" and what happens to us as we get older is so very true. Let me tell you the tale of the GOLDEN JAGUAR and while I have your attention (if'n I does) the lege...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 17:10:00 GMT


©FOREVER PURPURATING LAVENDER - by S. Sivan Nnamdi (aka Stephen W. Williams) 02/03/07 8:50:12AM  Endued with the curseforever purpurating lavendermy naked heartbared before strangersit's hiding ...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 18:42:00 GMT

1st Original Poem Entry - ©The Crucifixion

The Crucifixion  by Stephen W. Williams - Friday, September 06, 2002, 8:22:22 PM     Torture taught ya nothing You opened up to it With bleeding lips and bloody palms And the faint taste of...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:28:00 GMT