I was once locked inside of a Hare Krishna temple for 2 hours. They tried to talk me into staying and took my shoes. If you see them, I'd like them back. The shoes, not the krishnas.
I'm the youngest of 3 kids. My brother is an author and travels the country doing speaking engagements and television appearances. He's met with the Pope privately and is friends with Mel Gibson. I can't top that. That powerhouse duo is unstoppable. My sister is one of those people that does funny things but doesn't realize it. My parents have been married for 50 years. My family is basically a bunch of fruit loops. People who have heard my stories about them or have met them always have the same reaction, "Invite me to dinner!" If you happen to see my Dad (Bob) on the street, feel free to give him a shoutout. He loves that.
Oh yeah, I can recite all of the states alphabetically in under 30 seconds. If that's not talent, I don't know what is. I can eat the spiciest food known to man. And the answer to the number one question I get is: No, I'm not a cat person.
What I Did Today...
What I do every day. Floss, watch Xanadu, floss again.....neverending exitement!
The Perfect Guy For Me...
Would have to possess the charm and humor of my grandfather and the brilliant mind, wit, and kindness of his son (my Dad).
Favorite Quotes
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait..not me...you." - Jack Handey
"It may just be that the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others." - Anonymous
"I've been thinkin about my doorbell, when you gonna ring it, when you gonna ring it." - White Stripes