View my page on The Ashtar Command
I am an Star-Being from Plejades, Here on volunteer. My name is Ashatur, Warrior Angel of the 'Golden-Wings' fleets.
I work closely with the Ascended Masters, The Angelic Realm, Light-Ultra-terrestrials, Ashtar and the Ashtar Command in order that I may assist in creating a bridge between heaven and Earth, and the transition into the higher realms .
We share a common love in our hearts for Earth and all Beings. Together we connect our love to create a supportive net of LIGHT for all ascending beings.
Let us, Beautiful Being , connect in this great circle so that we may do what we came here to do!!! CREATE LOVE!!!~~~~~~~Its time to wake up!~~~~~ The doors of perceptiveness to other dimensions and enlightenment are wide open to those who listen attentively to the frequencies of revelations transmitted form alien, only 400 lightyears distant spores. Blaze is the lucid informative messenger, discloseing the universal truth, whose permanent concealment kept the gropers in a state of Tetanuslike sleep. Gnostic rebellion against the chaining powers of darkness is the remedy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~