Indies Scope profile picture

Indies Scope

About Me

Indies Scope (former Indies Records), have been in the music market since 1990. Label Indies Records have focused on supporting original Czech top-quality music production since they were established. They had released over 400 albums with 20 albums released every year. The quality of the production is the most essential requirement in selecting the released interprets. Consequently, Indies Scope can boast a number of awards every year, including the most prestigious ones. For example, “Traband” and “Tara Fuki” were awarded with the most prestigious Anděl 2007 award in 2007 (Czech analogy of the Grammy). Their albums were regarded highly by the professional jury as the best ones in the Folk&Country and Worldmusic specified genres. Among the most famous further interprets who managed to break through the Czech border and who keep releasing with Indies Scope are Iva Bittová,, Hradistan, 100C, Cankisou, Tomas Kocko, Yellow Sisters and many others.
Every month one album free from Indies Scope
The Indies Scope label comes up with an attractive offer on its Internet pages, where whole albums can be downloaded in mp3 format completely free of charge. This is the so called the Music History Box (in the left-hand side of the website homepage), in which one album from the Indies Scope catalogue appears every month.
Indies Scope decided to reward all friends of good music with an offer of one album free to download every month. Obviously, they will start with ever first album released with label in 1990. It is a Steak! rock album of the legendary Meat-House Chicago I.R.A. hardcore band. Label will continue to release later albums, however, there is a number of bands from the 1990..s, so this is where the “Music History Box” was derived from.
Music friends will now have the opportunity to explore the independent Czech music from the years after the collapse of the communist regime. Indies Records managed to extend their catalogue with further genres very quickly without getting stuck to independent rock music only. The same applies to the soundtrack quality which has fabulously increased compared to that of the Steak! album. Unfortunately, the first albums suffered from really poor experience of producers or lack of recording studios in the post-communist period of the Czech Republic. However, it was obvious since the first albums, that label has been focusing on quality and support of author..s production. Listeners can look forward to “Rany tela”, “Narajama”, “Here”, “Dybbuk”, “Jolly Joker”, “Bez peri”, “Slut”, “Cymbelin”, etc..
Here is part of our best music videos from youtube channel:
Here is playlist Indies video 2007 from youtube channel:

My Interests


Member Since: 21/12/2007
Band Website:

Record Label: Indies Scope
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

new releases - Kasparek v rohliku and Lesni zver

Kaapárek v rohlíkuKaapárek nav~dyPrice for CD: ¬ 14.65 buy       Mummy, is black more important than white? Mummy, are polar explorers dancing and is the spaghetti noodle the inside of macaron...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 05:10:00 GMT

A tribute to Oldrich Janota

Ztracený ve svt: A Tribute to OldYich JanotaIndies Scope is putting together special compilation called Ztracený ve svt  A Tribute to OldYich Janota(Lost in The World: A Tribute to OldYich Ja...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 04:54:00 GMT

Indies Scope on SUMMER music festivals

Indies Scope on SUMMER music festivalsWill you visit Czech Republic in the summer of 2008? You can visit a some the best music festival in Czech Republic. Indies Scope stage will be on three summer ...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 04:53:00 GMT

Indies Scope festival 2009

INDIES SCOPE FESTIVAL 2009& contest eská spoYitelna Colours talentswhen: Saturday 20th June 2009 at 2pmwhere: KuYim   chateau (google map)who: JiYí Pavlica & Hradiaean , Tomáa Ko ko & Orchestr, ZVA...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Jun 2009 04:40:00 GMT

WMCE - our artist in TOP5 !!! :)

We received newsletter from World Music Charts European. Our band DVA is in 5th place. Unexpected. amazing.From 162 from WMCE"Featuring songs from non-existent bands i...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 08:15:00 GMT

free download album - June 2009

New free album - JuneThe Indies Scope label has an attractive offer on its Internet pages, where whole albums can be downloaded in mp3 format completely free of charge. This is the so...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 08:11:00 GMT

new videos

Cankisou - Borrega 100C - One time
Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 02:53:00 GMT

Mrtvy nosic CD

Uz mi to neda a musim si postesknout. Neustale ctu clanky o tom, ze CD je mrtve, ze CD uz nikdo nechce, ze digitalni distribuce je budoucnost a spoustu jinych podobnych informaci, se kterymi se da sem...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 02:18:00 GMT