loving laughing eating sleeping
A bus to take us out of the desert...anywhere but here
I have listened to a lot of different music in my life time. I think that since I was a black lesbian in a previous life, any music that has soul sparks my attention. Jazz, reggae, R&B from the 60-70's are probably my favorite. Although, Jimi, Led Zepplin, Joplin, The Doors, and the like are often played on my iPod. I think I would have been in love with Johnny Cash, could I have been born in the time of greatness...I will give any music a chance; but I will most likely turn back to the music that has soul. Besides, Cole thinks it's funny when Mommy dances in the car to " Rock with You". Gotta love the dark Michael Jackson
Because I get completely enveloped into almost every movie that I see, I can pretty much watch every movie and come out of it with enjoyment. There have been a few that I don't like, but I am a cheesy girl who loves a warm hearted movie. Bring one over...I'm sure I'll like it
I am so excited about new seasons!!! Yay Ugly betty, CSI, Criminal Minds, Heros, and I LOVE CHUCK! Not to mention House, and Bones...and yes, I do watch Grey's... i am your basic crime-drama whore...except when kids are involved...can't handle murdered kids anymore. I also love food, so me and the food network are like this (fingers crossed). HGTV is a good friend of mine, as I aspire to reorganize the house evey other week :)
There's this one book, called "I"ll love you forever"...its really sweet and close to my heart. If you are ever wondering what's going on in my life... I'm on page one and two...and I only have about five pages to go until my sons sing to me while they rock me on their laps...
I heart my husband...I really do