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My names Amy, I’m 18 and im quite happy with life.
I spend most of my college life not doing any work.
My fringe is almost always a complete mess.
I’m always late to absolutely everything.
Jammie dodger/batternburg/custard creams/marshmallow milkshakes make my life.
So does Earl Grey & Banana cake.
I drive a stupid green micra which I take pleasure in blasting benny hill out of during college days.
I’m absolutely in love with cheesy music and singing to it like theres no tomorrow.
Right now all I seem to live off is McDonalds, buy one get one free Burger King, Subway, toasted breakfast sandwiches from Costa & tikka paninis.
I have an unhealthy love for Southern Comfort with lemonade & nothing else seems to compare.
I also have a little dog called gracie & she loves me.
I also make shit videos in college like this one, watch it, if i'm lucky you might even chuckle a bit: