Mon ™ profile picture

Mon ™


About Me

M E R C Y 21 Mexican Bachelor of Communication Graphic Design Photography Art Hate Posers ShopaholicIMPORTANT .. The name..s Montse de León, ( merci beaucop ]A total and complete TEASE or what girls call a B I T C H ... What ever I dont care I like to party, i love shopping more than you will never understand Fashion rocks my world! Im S T R A I G H T Im a shopaholic and if you dont know what does that word means well then get a dictionary. I fackin love my school because of the friEnds made ♥ Im fackin in love ♥ I live in a world of my own Im aspiring, hypocondriac, vegan ( not a fashion just a choice ) fashionista, day dreamer, karma seeker, music lover I..m still trying to find out who i..ll become. I..m looking for love, but love is hiding away from me.. I love a vampire called Edward CullenAnd i madly admire Agyness Dean ♥ Stupid facts I dont smoke, socially drinker Spinster :[ ( not anymore! ) I love boys I always date younger guys studied Bussines Administration at Walden University and also Tourism before entering to my actual career I still love N I C K C A R T E R and the B S BMy last so called " BOYFRIEND " ditched me because of a lesbo D: but I really dont care 3 PIERCINGS I love fashion to dead My love is a guy called Gabriel, and guys there..s NO ONE in this wolrd nearly as perfect as him My boobs are real I..ll taste ink on July Everybody thinks my sister is my twin I love museums :O Shopaholic Tooth paste junkie Häagen Dazs junkie I work for General Mills licked a cherry flavored lubricant once in a sex shopnahhhhh I think the only reason you want to meet me is just to get to my friends

My Interests

Coming soon

I'd like to meet:

Who I..d like to meet? Gabo fuiste el error mas bonito de mi vidaperfect love ♥ does not exist


Currently listenig to : Artic Monkeys Daft Punk Uffie Chromeo BMTH Wale Wu tang klan Justice Mindless Self Indulagance Amy Winehuse


My special ones... Best friend
Other best friend ..

My Blog


Recorrer el norte de la ciudad es una tortura, parece que la cultura Abercrombie  ha tomado por asalto las torres de satelite, no espero a dirigirme a mi destino, Juarez 30, Persigna el nuevo pro...
Posted by Mon ™ on Tue, 06 May 2008 12:11:00 PST

mercy´s test ( contesta freak! )

Mi nombre donde y como nos conocimos cuanto hace que me conoces me conoces mucho, poco o mas o menos? fumo? tomo? cual fue la primer aimpresion que tuviste sobre mi? mi edad? mi cumple? color de pelo?...
Posted by Mon ™ on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 11:35:00 PST

Hate mail.

Bueno antes que nada posteo esto para advertirles, que no son muchos los hate mails que recibo, pues ustedes saben que soy de lo mas accesible y agradable, asi que  hay pocos que logran capt...
Posted by Mon ™ on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 01:39:00 PST

Boyfriend application

Name: Age: Birthday: Location: Hair Color: Eye Color: Height: Weight: Ocupation: Sign: Do you have any: (and if so, where and/or what) Tattoos: Piercings: Fetishes: Future Tattoos and/or Piercings you...
Posted by Mon ™ on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 06:28:00 PST

the Boy of my dreams :]

I´ve found this... and I´d like to quote it cuz it´s perfect... and shows how i feel about life...and specially me..."I want a boy, a boy I can love, a boy that will love me back a boy that makes...
Posted by Mon ™ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:46:00 PST

divagaciones de lunes por la mañana

Lunes por la mañana, despertar, levantarse, realizar una serie de moviemientos sistematicos que me llevaran fuera de la cama, ( levanta tus parpados, dilata las pupilas, parpadea un par de veces, muev...
Posted by Mon ™ on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 10:45:00 PST

i sux

i`m sick of this town i`m out of this place... ayer la obscuridad cubria mis ojos, no habia nada mas que tranquilidad, y yo estaba sola... alguna vez has saboreado la soledad? la soledad sabe a mar, e...
Posted by Mon ™ on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 11:00:00 PST

My adventure down town...

I lived alone my mind was blankI needed time to think to get the memories from my mindWhat did I see can I believe that what I sawthat night was real and not just fantasyJust what I saw in my old drea...
Posted by Mon ™ on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 09:58:00 PST

One of my best memories

I will remember that time forever because it was perfect... I will remember your name always... Jaime Roberts Becker... I will always remember the first time you talked to me.... you were so nervous.....
Posted by Mon ™ on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 06:49:00 PST