My numerology of my life will tell you all you need to know about me....One of the rarest and most distinctive of all life path numbers is 22. One of two "Mastery Numbers" (the other being eleven), 22 holds a special place in numerology: Individuals with a life path number of 22 ("Twenty Twos") posess both vision and the power to turn those visions into reality. While many other life path numbers may have the ability to dream, or the ability to quickly seize the day -- Twenty Twos have the rare ability to dream big dreams and then actually implement them. Twenty Twos are spiritually gifted, but also have a powerful grasp of reason, logic and down-to-earth common sense. This duality of ability is rare in people, and it affords Twenty Twos with an unmatched ability to conceive an idea, plan it and ultimately to execute it. Twenty Twos achieve with little-effort that which others must work much harder to accomplish.What stands in the way of a Twenty Two is not a typical set of surrounding forces standing in opposition -- but an internal opposition that arises within themselves. Twenty Twos can become trapped by their own abilities -- suffering from a spiritual paralysis that arises from too many options. Their positivity and their breadth of talents can lead them to be unfocused: at all times life presents them with many forward-moving paths.Twenty Twos sometimes run the risk of becoming depressed because their potential is so high they may become frustrated with their performance. For the most part however, Twenty Twos are positive and productive people. Negative traits may include a desire to achieve for the wrong reasons, or a desire for something which entails great personal costs. Most Twenty Twos of course, don't achieve stardom or supreme recognition: but the ability to do so is very much inside of them. What is a Destiny Number? The Destiny Number is derived from the first, middle and last names given to a person at birth. It represents events, goals and one's ultimate mission in life. After the Life Path number, it is the second most important number in a numerology profile.The Destiny Number: 2A destiny number of 2 suggests a course that is set for greater spiritual understanding and emotional growth. A destiny number of 2 suggests a course that is set for greater spiritual understanding and emotional growth. The "2" destiny tends to involve a series of tests which lead the individual to a higher level of social, spiritual and emotional consciousness. Often this destiny points to career paths involving speaking, and understanding and analyzing the complex inter-relationships between people. Understanding these complexities of emotions and desires becomes faster and deeper with time. The path indicated by the 2 destiny often includes a role as a diplomat, teacher or mediator -- either in a professional or unofficial sense.Spiritual awareness is a powerful force in the 2 destiny. There are dozens of possible roads which lead to this enlightenment, but ultimately those with a 2 destiny arrive at a place where they have a deep understanding of life, humanity and something undefinable which only they can know. Twos can also extend that awareness deeply around another individual -- and the 2 destiny often indicates a deep and highly spiritual relationship.There are indications within the 2 destiny of dependence and reliance upon others. This should not be looked upon as a negative outcome however: Twos are highly communicative and their natural skills involve communication and relationships between people. For that reason, the 2 destiny most often involves the powerful presence of others.The warning in the 2 destiny is one of emotional pain. The powerful spiritual sensitivity indicated here can often be a double edged sword -- allowing those on this path to become easily wounded or emotionally scarred.The ability to disconnect one's emotions is important at times. Too much sensitivity can be a dangerous thing.What is a Soul Urge Number? The Soul Urge Number or the "Desire Number", represents hidden and sub-surface desires. While less powerful and influtential than the Life Path and Destiny, these are are the things we crave and bring us inner happiness.The Soul Urge Number: 5Individuals with a Soul Urge of 5 long for a sense of command and a wide degree of personal liberty. Such freedoms aren't something that happen every day, but when they do they bring an enormous amount of inner peace and satisfaction. To go where you want, and to do what you want are things that make this individual happy.What is a Inner Dream Number? The Inner Dream Number is the least powerful and important of all the numbers in a numerology profile, but it occasionally rises to the surface and becomes important. It represents often unrealized, subconcious notions which occasionally exert influence over us. The Inner Dream Number: 6An Inner Dream number of 6 indicates a dream of appreciation within a relationship. There is a strong desire for mutual respect and admiration in a fulfilling relationship.THE NEW POWERS OF CREATIONSpring is here now bringing new desires, And we don't know how it has made new fires. And we don't know how, but we fly and steer our course back home, overcoming fear.Spaces full of shine and creative power offer saps divine as a precious dower.They revive us all, Cherish buds unfolding And transform our core, Our cells and coding.Should we stay at peace, We receive the sweetness And we bloom in bliss Following the rhythm Of the stars and suns, Of the angels singing -Having so much fun, We ascend in dignity! And we feel so great, Having brighter vision, Going for the Grace That is our mission.So we now create Our dreams of Heaven On the Earth each day Turning it to Eden.Spring is here now, Everything is changing And we don't know how We are ONE of many - Many hearts and beats, Many souls and blessings - But ONE in feats To reveal the Essence And unite the Whole, Bringing our fragance, Our part and role - To be new creators. Mariya BraikovaVISIT SKY-MAPS.COM FOR UP TO DATE INFO ON THE PLEIADIES AND OTHER IMPORTANT PIECES OF THE PUZZLE TO TRUTH
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