I am a big reader, I love to read any and everything I get my eyes on. Not only that I love taking really hot bubble baths with a nice drink and some low mellow music. I'm sexy and I like feeling that way.
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There is nobody in particular, but if I had to choose it would be Clinton Portis. I think that man is sooo sexy, and those lips,I can suck on those things all day. He has one of the sexiest lips I've ever seen.
R&B, when I'm in the tub or just when I feel like singing. I like rap too but all rap ain't good rap.
I don't have a favorite movie, but I love action movies, you know movies where there is a lot of shootin blowin stuff that type of shit
My favorite t.v. show would have to be Girlfriends, because I think that all women can relate to these women and their day to day lives, especially as black women in this day in age.
I love books period. My favorite authors are Eric Jerome Dickey, E. Lynn Harris, Zane, the books they write are so imaginative, to me at least. Once I start reading one of their books I can't put it down until I'm done. If the book is good it takes me at least three days to finish it, that's just their books that's any book that I would read.
My only heroes would most definitely be my parents. Wihtout them for one I would not bt here today, they did the best they could with raising me and my sisters and still to this day they are the best people I know.