Nuth3n ev3n m@ttaz @ all.... profile picture

Nuth3n ev3n m@ttaz @ all....

ITZ BEEN NYC3, ITZ BEEN R3AL BUT @ DA SAM3 TYME i thenk i b3tta letcu go ;(

About Me

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My Interests

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All In My Business
First & Middle Name PAULINE,A.
Favorite Candy RECESSES
What's in your CD player? KHIA, TRUST NO NIGGA
What time did you wake up today? 5P.M N fuck it
Current Hair RED&black
Current Desktop SHYT
Current Worry? I DONT WORRY
Current Hate? I HATE LIARS
Favorite place to be? RIDIN" DIRTAY
Least favorite place to be? HOME
Favorite color? red&black
Favorite saying? FUCK U B!TCH
Favorite movie? seed of chucky" hahahaha
Last 4 things that you've purchased? bottle,bottle,bottle n a lightup grill
Favorite food? MAC n cheese n chicken
Where would you like to go? NO PLACE LIKE HOME
Color of the majority of clothes you own? BLACK, im a big person fuck dat
Number of pillows you sleep with? 2 r more
What do you wear when you go to sleep? machin p.js.. bleave it r nt gotta match
What were you doing at midnight last night? gettin fuckt up wit ma bitches n Niggaz
Current obsession? HMMMMMMMMMMM... MA PEPZ NO
How old will you be in 10 years? 31
What is the brand of your wallet? DOONEY N BURKE
Last person you yelled at? all DA TYME"SOLOMON
Last thing you ate? BARBEQUE
Last time you had sex? I DONT WANNA REMEMBER
If you could be with anyone right now, who would it be? FUCK HYM
Piercings/Tattoos... 8/2
If you could be granted one wish, what would it be??? 2 NO DA TRUTH BOUT DIZ 1 NIGGA
Have you Been in Love: YUP BT NEVA AGAIN fuck dat
Do you want to go to College: yump
Do you want to get Married: yump
Do you belive in yourself: HELL YEA
Do you get Motion Sickness: NOPE
Do you think you are Attractive: HELL YEA
Are you a Health Freak: HELL NAW
Do you get along with your Parents: HELL FUCK NO



Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Hosted by Sparkle Tags
ThAts So NaSty
how old were u when u lost your virginity? Nobody fuckin' important!! aint dat a bitch....
what is the name of your best sex partner ever? Haven't had one
where is your fantasy place to do it? On a "ISLAND" WIT SILK SHEETS
were is the best place you have ever done it? SHOWER
whats the worst pick up line u ever heard? HEARD TOO MANY
whats the worst pick up line u ever said? I DON'T PICK UP... so don't have one
ever recieved oral sex? HELL FUCKIN' YEA!!!!! Can't get no better
ever given it? hELL NAW...dat's nasty
slow and soft or fast and ruff? SHYT ALL OF UM.. BUT PEFER slow n soft
fav topping to lick off your partner..... I'M COO
where were u at when u had the best sex u ever had? N DA BED
from the front or the back???? BOTH but pefer BACK
in the pussy or the ass? PUSSY OF COURSE
whats more importand tits or ass? TITS
ever be with the same sex? HELL FUCKIN" NAW GET DA FUCK OUTTA HERE
fav song to listen to during sex? "BACK DAT ASS UP" by JUVIE
making love or hot animal sex? DON'T MAKE LOVE
are u body shy? YEA.. IT DEPENDS
ever have a 3 some? NAW
ever been tied up? or blind folded? YUP!!! BOTH it was fun
ever tie anybody up? or blind fold them? YUP!! BOTH
what was the best thing u ever made ur partner do in bed? (like moan real loud, or say ur name) SAY MA MUTHA FUCKIN' NAME YANO!!!
when was the last time i had sex? a week ago 2 long
who was ur worst sexual partner? MY 20th Birthday lol hahahaha
where do u want to be next time u have sex? IN A TELE.... no interruptions!!!!!!
who do u want to be with? I wana b wit ma "BABE"
whats the naughtiest thing u ever done? UMMM.. lick some syrup off ma nigga
ever do it unprotected Yea..... don't do it


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I LOVE U SOOO MUCH.....        &nb sp;         &nb sp;         &nb sp;&nb...
Posted by ~I GOT ma C7OWN-SUIT...w@!T!N 4 HYM; ) on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 07:21:00 PST


Posted by ~I GOT ma C7OWN-SUIT...w@!T!N 4 HYM; ) on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 07:16:00 PST