Alisha Kay Carstens profile picture

Alisha Kay Carstens

About Me

I love music. Whenever I play, whether on stage or alone where no one can hear, I am awakened, alive, and free. I escape into my own world and come back happier.I’ve been hooked on music ever since I can remember, playing piano very young and always singing in church. At age nine, living at Camp LeJuine, NC where my father served as a Chaplain in the Navy, there was a two-week period where music just wouldn’t leave me alone.Around Christmas-time one of my teachers brought her husband to school to play guitar and sing for my class. We all named songs, and he played them one after another. I was in awe at how happy he looked making all of us happy. Shortly after, someone came and played guitar and sang for the whole school. Everybody was dancing, the room was electric, some of us got up on stage… I can still hear him singing John Denver’s “Take Me Home” and thinking that I wanted to do that too.I remember seeing a documentary around that same time about Elvis. Believe it or not, I had never heard of “The King”. C’mon… I was nine-years-old. As the story of his life was ending, “I Did It My Way” played during footage of Elvis’s funeral and I knew then and there what I had to do.I finally got my first guitar at age ten and I’ve been playing ever since. Making music is what makes me happy, and it is what I will always do. It is more than a passion, or a way of life. It is making sense.All of my music comes straight from my experience and if you make sense of it, I am both grateful and anxious for the chance to perform for you.Thanks for listening and I hope to see you soon, Alisha Kay Carstens

My Interests


Member Since: 20/12/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: WALNUT GROOVE - Alisha Kay Carstens - Singer, Songwriter and GuitaristRoland Pray - Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist, BassistNestor Ortiz - Percussion, Beat-Boxing, Vocals
Influences: Anything interesting and of quality.
Sounds Like: More than 3 people!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Kevin Bacon Game

Hey All,My sisters have inspired me to think this way because they are all REALLY good at movies and such...All of you who love the "Kevin Bacon Game" should really consider the character of "the voll...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 18:19:00 GMT

You Know You're A Lutheran If...

If first thing in the morning you (before going to the bathroom) rinse you're coffee pot out during your ritual of making coffee, knowing that you had already cleaned it the night before during your "...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:45:00 GMT

Clawfoots and Chicken Wings

What is up with those people who try to impress other  people by pretending that they like chicken wings so hot, that you know they can't even taste and enjoy them because they are using every effort ...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Feb 2009 17:34:00 GMT