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Miss Cori

About Me

Well, i'm here to stay in touch with old friends. I have moved 13 times, in 3 states, 2 countries, attended 2 elementries, 2 middle schools, 2 high schools, 5 colleges, and about a billion jobs. So as you can see, I need a few ways to keep in touch with old friends. I've met a lot of amazing people over the years that I hope I never lose touch with. I am a Personal Trainer on my way to a cultural anthropology degree, and I love it. Hopefully I will be running off to Northern California in the near future.
Saya cinta padamu
I love you in Indonesian
"Travel breaks down a kind of inner structure we have. Stripped of our props, deprived of our masks, we are completely on the surface of ourselves." - Albert Camus

"Love is a poor mans food"-Ray Lamontagne
"People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don't deserve them, or that they'll be unable to achieve them"-Paul C.
"What's the world's greatest lie? It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate"-Paul C.

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My Interests

Proud member of the Three Amigo's. Culture,Music,People,Languages,Missions(not only religious),Especially Mexico,Nutrition,Salsa Dancing,Carona,Aviation,Herbs,Classic Cars,Reading,Nature,Art,Making Clothes,Kindness,Organic Food,Falling off boats,Hiking,Wood and wheels,Vinyl Records,Ultimate Frisbee,John Brooks,Tie Dye,The East Coast,Laughing,Tea,Wine,Charcoal Art, Music Festivals,Cobble stone streets, A good flick, the farmers market,roots,rock,reggae..everything is interesting, except ANYTHING Sci-fi, and Strip Clubs.

I'd like to meet:

well anyone..but people who would brighten my day,Gandhi,HWG's (Hippies with goals),nice people,people who know when to be loud and when to shut up,TIBET,foreign people,a chemistry tutor,people who think that original nintendo is way better than any video game today and miss the simple life that we used to live,Bob Dylan,John Henry Bonham, Jimmy Page,John Lennon,countless musicians....La Esperanza...nicest people alive that have nothing.

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Way too many to list-Vinyl

I can also tell you...We get down.


Again-Way too many to list


Arrested Development,Seinfeld,National Geographic,That 70's show,Sex and the City,Conan O' Brian is the man.


Recent favorites are The Perks of Being a Wallflower,anything Howard Zinn touches, and The Alchemist.


Gandhi,Edward murrow,Jay adams,Bob dylan,Mother theresa...the list is endless...lets just say i dont really have any modern day hero's besides my family.

My Blog


The sweat and tears from Ultimate frisbee...Last Day UFOThe Crew....Falling off Boats drunk on the 4th of July...Megz house...In the words of DC....If the Broom fits.....Best Friends..Before falling o...
Posted by Miss Cori on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 02:11:00 PST

My Sweet Virginia

Well...wow. It's been quite a month.... it just reminded me even more how much I miss this place and all the people in it, it always seems to just be home when i come back. I got to go to Bonnaro...
Posted by Miss Cori on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 09:54:00 PST

Tapping Tattoo

 So Im a very happy girl right now, tattoos freak me the fuck out because you know, they are SORTA permanent. so Ive been waiting for that "all so meaningful" beautiful idea for a tattoo for a wh...
Posted by Miss Cori on Sun, 21 May 2006 03:33:00 PST