Member Since: 20/12/2007
Band Members: The magazine will address issues and interests pertaining to a target demographic of 18-30 year old males and females who are consumers of hip hop and urban entertainment.
The average readers of the Leak Magazine will be socially conscious young adults interested in what is going on in the world of music in addition to the neighborhood around them. They will be eager to read about the latest in music and fashion trends and social issues.
If these are the type of people that you are intested in reaching, you should advertise in The Leak Magazine! Call (317)454-2656 to find out more about our current advertising promotion!!-Style Friends Comment Space-!}
Influences: !-START Block to Place Custom Banner below ad banner above google search. This works for Artist/Band page and Standard Page-!:!-Create div with image. Replace my image with the URL of your own image-!:
!-END Block to Place Custom Banner below ad banner above google search.:
Sounds Like:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie