About Me
I am sharing some music of the band if you are interested.
_-_Simon_Dreams_In_Violet.part2.rar.html ____________________
_-_Lost_In_Time.part1.rar.html ______________________________
_-_Lost_In_Time.part2.rar.html ______________________________
____________Feel free to share the links with people who might like the music.
Formed in 92 with voice, distorted bass and drums. Band's symbol comes from a sign placed on witches graves, which is jolly. The assurance of the old sound sustained through energetic expression rather than shallow noise. Two MCs through Energeia, 'SDIV' (93), 'Dreaming The Lost' (94).Hex Files: the goth bible by Mick MercerStill I fail to get a grip on that review... but that was something for a start... I'll be updating this page and forwarding a link to an official site as soon I'll sort out that. I am currently restoring the old DATs tapes and a link to download the whole band discography will be added soon. I trust you will be familiar with ape compression and cue files in case. Lossless iPod friendly mpeg format will be provided as well if you wish to preview the music that way. Apologizes for my bad english since it's not my native language.
April 2008 24th
I am releasing this on a rush.
It had to be done a while ago but I seemed not to be in the right frame of getting this finished somehow.
Now it seems it sounds not too bad.
I hope you like some of the music.
It should cover the entire lifespan of the band from 1992 to 1997... and more.
The first three songs are off our self-titled demo on Energeia, the italian label who
distributed our tapes at the time. Song 4 & 5 are from the Vision Underground unreleased sample, the girl had moved to Holland dropping the
project were it was.
The rest of the material is from our second demo Dreaming The Lost, again on Energeia. Song 13 is an extended edit I promised to dedicade to a lady in ever changing robes of innocence & pain (she now who she is...) thanks for the inspiration.
It was originally released for the Ver Sacrum fanzine sampler, then included in our last demo Follia along with some instrumentals and live versions of songs that wasn't possible to release properly.
The last three songs are somehow related to Simon Dreams In Violet or better what could have happened if we would have been opened to switching to different ideas music wise. Alice Suicidée is an example. We used to play instrumentals tracks at our last gigs in between the sets.If I hadn't left and got another guitarist we might have sounded
more like the Before I Wake song that was recorded in London with Leisure Hive and Womb members at Naevus studio.
That was one of the songs that never made it onto the fourth demo. The
guitarist left and that material got stucked onto those tape vaults we used to
store our ideas.The last song is actually by Interior Deus, the band the guitarist founded after
leaving the band in 1994. I was responsible for the recording of their promo
and somehow I sticked my hands on that song like it used to be back in 1992.
I remember Luigi calling at every hour wondering if I wanted to jam along some new ideas. And I usually never minded, whatever might have been the late hour or the stuff I've been drinking or smoking.
That's how SDIV could have sounded if we would have reformed with a new singer.But it seems we never got to find the right people.. or at least I never got to
get someone who would have liked to carry on doing that kind of things.
The people I asked tended to be always busy with their own projects so at
some point I just dropped the idea of it. And dropped the bass along with it.The band officially split up in 1997 when I moved to Germany, then England where
all the music we've been listening to in clubs seemed to come from.
We spoke of reforming at some point, but that never happened, at least not at
the time this could have been possible.In time I hope to be able to add the complete full three demos of the band.
If I get to find anyone willing to play on some
songs I would like to add the unreleased material by the band, but I tend to work on different ideas at the same time when I am not distracted by anything else.A friend said once to me that perfection was my virtue and my limit as well... he
was probably right. Cannot get this perfect, and this is for him. I am pretty sure he won't like the music... he's into different sounds but he
would appreciate me doing it at last.Basically it all started with the proposal of a friend that is no more to release
this promo as a proper cd.
In my opinion the quality of it wasn't really good for a proper release, I did not want them to loose money on something that was not sure to sell more than a couple of hundred copies, so I never gave him a proper version.
He even used Before I wake for the sampler of his label at some
point... (In The Night Time sampler vol. 1)I trust he would have liked it. Somehow this is
for him. (I miss his bitching...) and for all the friends we had in common, they
know who they are.Some other versions of this (in different forms with different tracklistings I believe) were given to people that were interested in listening to some material of the band.Essentially they do not sound that good. This should be good enough considering the source material I recently got from the original DAT tapes. The original tape reels seems to be far too complicated to restore, so there is nothing more I can do to fix the mistakes of the mixes in some cases.During the course of years I got to learn things and after working on other people's material I finally felt that I could work on the production of my own
material.That's what I always wanted to be able to. Hope I have not got it too wrong, as I wish not to have it done too wrong with other people material.Finally I felt it was not fair to keep this music stored among my cd's and the few people I knew. That's why the myspace and lastfm site pages were intended for. I just wanted to share this with people who might be still interested. I strongly doubt that most of the people who got our tapes back then (about a thousand were pressed as far as I remember) will get this.Some might... That's for them in case.Back then you used to buy fanzines and write to bands to get their music or travelling abroad to get vinyls and tapes. Now it is pretty different.Music is for people to listen to. Never forget that. If you feel you would like to use some of this music please drop a line.I would like to add something on the music, but it is the listener
who decide on that matter.
Everyone seem to hear different things in it. I came from a different background... and for a series of unfortunate (or fortunate) events I stucked onto some more sober goth and darkwave folks who seemed to be serious enough to play some of my music. Even if they made me dropping the distortion pedals I was using at the time!I met Massimiliano at the auditions for a death metal band I was playing with at the time.
Eventually I even dropped the grind band I was supposed to play with because of that voice so different
from the stuff I always listened to until then.
Then after rehearsing with a drummer and different guitarists we met Luigi in a record shop.
The previous night we had been asking out to most of the people at a Christian Death gig but somehow missing the guy who became the band first guitarist. Stefano, his cousin, wanted to play guitar with us when he left and that's how the second chapter started.Eventually something happenned. We all came from punk and somehow you can tell that from the average tempo of the songs. You might hear some Nephilim, Sisters Of Mercy, Litfiba or Bauhaus in it... as you might not hear some Carcass, Doom, Electro Hippies, Spermbirds and Datura on what I was doing it... and this is one of the reasons the different sections
of the music seem to collide in some places, while some seem to be quite blended in the music.
We needed more time to glue things properly, but that was how it had to be.
Trying desperately to catch snapshots of the music we were trying to play not to loose them completely when guitarists seemed to move onto their things.Only thing I miss is the naiveness all this got started in the first place. I will have to add a proper band story, but it might not be that needed for the moment: you are having something to listen to in the meantime.Drop a feedback on the comment section on how you liked the music if you plese or whatever witty it springs you on mind, or leave a message if you might be interested in receiving a full audio version of it.
I cannot send promotional copies out.Feel free to send the link to it to people that might be interested in it.
Please do not change the hashset of the files (like re-tagging for example) if you wish to share it.Until the next.Rosario a.k.a. Lo Spettro Di Se Stesso