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About Me

Faux king here. No stuffing, no fake mustaches. Just me, on steroids (metaphorically). I strut as a punk, a gangsta, a leatherman, and a movie star, to name a few. Testosterone is my drug of choice. Don't miss my pics!
A faux drag king. So are you a man trying to appear to be a woman trying to be a man?
No. The faux queens in the scene are just women who style themselves like drag queens and do drag-style performances in drag venues. So the same goes for faux kings: we're guys who perform in drag venues as guys.
What's the target all about?
When my namesake. Johnny Knoxville, appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone, he had a target painted on him. Plus it always looks great.
Will you have sex with me?
Where are your manners? Johnny's not that kind of girl. Johnny's in it for the long haul.
How can I find out about your performances?
I try to keep the calendar on this page up to date. If you email me at [email protected], I will add your name to my mailing list, so that you can receive and read the uproariously funny promotional emails I send out each week. Then you'll REALLY be able to rule the water cooler.
Are you gay?
"I don't have sex. I am sex."
What's the tattoo on your shoulder?
It's a designer ampersand off of a Belle & Sebastian T-shirt. Johnny LOOOVES B&S, because he's oversensitive and too smart for his own good.
What's the tattoo on your neck?
Uh...It's the SF area code. You need to get out more.
What's the tattoo on your right arm?
Uh...It's the Fox from The Little Prince. You need to read a few more books.
Are you gay?
"I don't have sex. I am sex."
Johnny says:
--Do what you hate.(Gospel According to Stephen)
--Live in the spirit of revenge.(Nietzsche)
--Beat yourself up.(Oprah)
--Get too comfortable.(Kiki)
--Forget to enjoy.
--Stop the dance.(Bryan Ferry)
--Go breakin my heart.(Elton John and Kiki Dee)
---Sweat the small stuff.
to be continued...
And my alter ego, Andrew Utter, teaches acting:
And check this shit out:
"Go, Rimbaud...
Go, Rimbaud...
Go, Rimbaud...
and GO, Johnny, GO!"
--Patti Smith, Horses
"There is a picture of Van Gogh's of a billiard-parlor atnight. The kitchen now suggests that sort of lurid nocturnalbrilliance, the raw colors of childhood's spectrum. Over theyellow linoleum of the kitchen table hangs an electric bulbwith a vivid green glass shade..The poker players--Stanley,Steve, Mitch and Pablo--wear colored shirts, solid blues, apurple, a red-and-white check, a light green, and they aremen at the peak of their physical manhood, as coarse anddirect and powerful as the primary colors. There are vividslices of watermelon on the table..."--Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire
"When you're tied to your mother's apron/
no one talks about CASTRATION!"
--the Smiths
"That hotel was SO CHEAP/
I shoulda brought my OWN SHEETS! "--Cazwell
"I never could get used to the idea of other people having sex without me."--Genet
"What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me— nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so."--Shakespeare, Hamlet
"An actor is a guy who, if you ain't talkin bout him, he ain't listnin."--Marlon Brando
"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."--Oscar Wilde
"A true friend stabs from the front."--Oscar Wilde
"You should like what you do so much that you chuckle when you go to bed at night."--Ming Cho Lee
"...You can't catch love with a net or a gun..."-James
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"the brash, outrageous and free...", although I do also think that at the end of the day, there is more to life than getting your look together.

My Blog

Johnny Goes to (West) Hollywood>Hello Johnny Enthusiast!It's been a great couple of weeks for Johnny!  Summer is his favorite season by far, partly because it gives Johnny so many chances to show off his target in broad da...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 21:32:00 GMT

Johnny’s White Trash Striptease Spectacular

Hello Johnny Enthusiast!Johnny's been busy, and he's about to get busier!!  He'll be rapping tonight at Elastic Future's Rock Candy, then jumping in a zipcar with his buddies Digger and Kitten an...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:38:00 GMT

Johnny Buys His Socks on 14th St

">Hello Johnny Enthusiast!STOP THE PRESSES!  Johnny has a career milestone to announce! Drum roll please!Johnny is doing TRANNYSHACK!This is incredibly exciting news for Johnny.  Trannyshack...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:36:00 GMT

Johnny Celebrates Black History Month!

Hello Johnny Enthusiast!Johnny's been so busy leading his whirlwind social life that he has been impossible to pin down for a recounting of his roguish exploits. But it finally happened, and y...
Posted by on Fri, 16 May 2008 00:28:00 GMT

Johnny Gets DNA on your Complexion!

Hello Johnny Enthusiast!This was a red-letter week for Johnny Cocksville, for reasons to be disclosed below. AND Johnny had a great night as part of the Monster Show's Ghetto Blasters show, wh...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 09:29:00 GMT

A Clockwork Johnny

Hello Johnny Enthusiast!It was a long, taxing, but ultimately satisfying Easter weekend for Johnny!Friday night was Til Friday, hosted by Johnny's neighbor and longtime San Francisco drag luminary Coc...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 22:57:00 GMT

Johnny Aint Nothin But A Hound Dog!

Hello Johnny Enthusiast!Johnny's unrelenting, breakneck pace of appearances continued this weekend. He's enjoying all this large living, even if it does take its toll: he's down for the count with a ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 20:07:00 GMT

Johnny and the Dark Green Poodle> Hello Johnny Enthusiast!Johnny been living up to his reputation as a Man About Town this past two weeks!   His social life has assumed such whirlwind proportions that sometimes h...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 23:25:00 GMT

Johnny and the Dark Green Poodle> Hello Johnny Enthusiast!Johnny been living up to his reputation as a Man About Town this past two weeks!   His social life has assumed such whirlwind proportions that sometimes h...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 23:25:00 GMT

Johnny’s Arts and Crafts Project> Hello Johnny Enthusiast!Another long, full weekend of performing, with great pics to boot!  Johnny is having a blast, but realizes he needs to pace himself, so he doesn’t have t...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 18:38:00 GMT