drumming, music, "singing" and more if i wasnt too lazy to type it for youstay gold
vvv THIS IS MY PUPPY SHINJI- 4 1/2months vvv
the lord when i go to heaven but i wanna meet TBS, travis barker, your mom...haha just kidding; ), people who share my musical interests and feelings about music and people that will sing to me that sound good and people that are way awesome that live in the same town as but that i dont even know exsist and stuff so yeah, oh and people all of the above that are easy going but can be awesome at the same time too!!! and if you followed any of that then we definitely need to talk lol.
war from a harlots mouth, bring me the horizon, and the hero fails, wings of plauge, animosity, job for a cow boy, arsonists get all the girls, catherine, fate, lysistrata, embrace the end, converge, stick to your guns, first blood, elysia, throwdown, th black dahlia murder, the faceless, through the eyes of the dead, chiodos, lower definition, mozart season, all shall perish, a static lulaby, between the burried and me, with passion, mychildren mybride, reclaim the fallen, IMPERIL, azriel, despised icon, killing the dream, from a second story window, killwhitneydead, and many others... many
lots of different stuff
Sapranos, RFR, Da Ali G Show, Croc hunter