photography, art(ists), music, writing, venting with angry words, using angry words when im not venting, sarcasm, pissing people off, long conversations about fucking people in the face, the word face, procrastination, being controversial (usually as means of pissing people off), no really im a nice person i swear...
the creator of the whatchamacallit
Currently been listening to:Death Cab For Cutie, the postal service, Jacks Mannequin, The Transit War, Alkaline Trio, I can make a mess...., Minus the Bear, Cursive, Brand new, Thursday, Motion City Soundtrack, Lovedrug, The juliana theory, Idiot pilot, Bear vs shark, Anathallo, saves the day, self against city, the decemberists, ugly casanova,
dead poets society, spirited away, fight club, slackers, super troopers, anchorman, donnie darko, monty python and the holy grail, any disney movie, snatch, boondock saints, drop dead fred, garden state
Invader zim, family guy, futurama, aqua teen hunger force, home movies, sealab 2021, The OC, fullmetal alchemist, jimmy neutron, trigun, MXC, scrubs, lost, Neon Genesis Evangelion, i enjoy tv
The perks of being a wallflower, The cather in the rye, 1984, Great Gatsby, anthem, Dancing on the edge