The typical girl stuff like shopping, socializing, and dancing. Then there is SOCCER!!! Oh and...going to school and working...and talking...puzzle construction...and of course SAM are among my general interests!
Take the quiz:
What kind of bf/gf are you?((with pix))
You are the perfect boyfriend/ know just they way to be in a relationship! Don't change anything and good luck!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Someone interesting...and funny...and fun to be around...and ridiculous (also known as...SAM)
Just Some Graphics
Anything that makes ya move (*ie RAP...BOOTY BASS MUSIC..HEHE*)....except for most country and definitely POLKA! But I'm pretty open to listening to anything...I like me some funky music! haha!
Kick it free-style Mr. DJ! WHOOP WHOOP!
EVERYTHING!!!....but I really like blood and gore and....COMEDY!!!! (*romantic comedies are good too*)Among the movies I like...300 and Grandma's Boy...just to name a couple...
My ultimate favorite show is The Simpsons...always has been, always will be. And you can't love The Simpsons without loving Family Guy and Southpark.....I swear they come in a gotta take 'em all!! OH AND...American Dad, Futurama, Drawn Together, CSI (any of them), Scrubs, War at Home, and yes I'm a loser...I like America's Next Top Model too...hehe
Books? People still read??? But yeah, Jon Stewart's America is absolutely hilarious!!! And you have to love Catcher and the Rye!!! OOOO AND anything by Chuck Palahniuk too!
Everybody is a hero to someone!