I don't really update this a lot.
This is just an outlet to express myself.
To be honest I'm kind of ashamed to be contributing to this large vast trend of home-grown generic electro-pop, but its easy/fun to make and I plan to keep doing it whenever I feel on it.
I'm not really serious about this project, and I don't plan for it to be.
BuUUUuut really I DO love to hear anyones feedback, and its awesome that some people like what I do because I feel strongly about what I write about believe it or not! Haha.
And don't bother sending hate, because chances are I agree with you hahahah!
I look and sing like a 13 year old!
ThaNKS kISseS aNd HuGS~ xOxoXOXOOXoxO yo gANSTA lil JAVS~