Commonplace formed as a jazz-influenced alternative jam band in June 2008. We're working on our 2nd full length CD this summer. We hope to have the record out within then next few months. Our first record, "I Had a Thought but I can't Prove It" is out and available for download below. If you have any ideas of places we could play (be it a public venue or a private event) get in touch with us at [email protected] or 540-793-5719. We're always looking for somewhere else to play. Thanks for checking out our page!
All of our design is done by Matt Reyer.
He has a sweet website called:
Wind Up Toy Productions
We'll see you again.
Leroi Moore 61'-08'
I Had a Thought but I can't Prove It - Entire Album Digital Download - $5
Commonplace T-Shirt