i'm stevie. obviously if you know me, you'll know i'm loud and i like to laugh. basics? i'm a girl, 5'2" *short, yes, i know this* with 14 tattoos, red hair, flat feet and a crooked smile. imperfection at it's best. :)*would that be an oxymoron?*
what i love:
i love music. and boys. and boys who make music is just a big plus.
i love green beans. that's a given.
i love love love to laugh. it's the most fun someone can have.
i love my friends.
my baby blanket. yes i still sleep with it. it takes precedence over everything.
i love that i don't really care what people think about the way i am. so if you think i'm annoying or dress like a bag lady, DON'T CARE.
i love media. any type, whether it goes from cds to magazines, i have shitloads of them all.
i love being flattered. ahaha. whether i show that i love it or not.
i love johnny depp. if you've been in my room, you'd know that.
i love little kids, as long as i can give them back to their parents.
i love painting. again, if you've ever been in my room, you'd know that.
i love and enjoy a beautiful picture. person or scenery, either one.
actually, i pretty much love everything and everyone, unless you piss me off. so don't do it and the world will be a happy place.
the end. :)