All About You
.The Basics.
Name: Hannah
Age: 19
Birthday: 11/20/87 (and halloween) my birthday wasn't recorded correctly
Birthplace: Thailand
Current Location: Iowa
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 115lbs
Righty or Lefty: Right
Piercings: My ears and belly
Tattoos: none
What is your family situation (parents, siblings)?: Mom, Dad, Older Brother
Any pets?: dog
What type?: mut
What are their names?: who my dog? or my family members?
Favorite relative: Uncle Peter and Aunt Morley
Least favorite relative: I'm not sure
What's your heritage?:
Best: Westley Turner
How many do you have?: I have a lot of friends, it doesn't mean I hang with all of them.
More guys or girls?: Girls
Love them all?: Yes
Wish you were closer to any?: Yes
Funniest: Lucy
Sweetest: Britney
Oldest: Kristie
Newest: Guy at work, lol
Smartest: Lucy
Stupidest: They can all be like that at times, even me!
Most annoying: I'm not sure
Dullest: none
Meanest: Shantel, snappyist
.Friends & Words::Associate Them.
Pen: Jelly Roll
Flower: Yellow Rose
Dancing: Talent
Heart: Boyfriend
Mother: Smart
Insane: Loco
Father: Smart
Sunglasses: stupid
Sister: none
Pimp: Playa
Brother: Older
Naked: men
Lonely: dog
Music: Rap
Car: Pontiac
Beautiful: Myself
Memories: Lots
Secrets: None
Sexuality: active
In a relationship now?: yes
With whom & for how long?: Westley (3years and 7 months)
What was your longest relationship & with whom?: Now
Are you in love?: Yes
Do you have a crush on anyone?: BF
Ever have a crush on someone of the same sex?: Never
What's the farthest you've ever gone?: Depends how you rate it
Where do you most like to be kissed?: My neck
What's the best love quote?: I haven't much thought about that
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Do you miss someone right now?: Yes, too many people
Color: White
Number: 3
Holiday: Valentines Day
Season: Spring
Movie: Not sure
Book: Read too many
Magazine: Cosmopolitan
Food: Soup and Salad
Beverage: Soda
TV Show: Girls Next Door, stupid but funny
Song: Don't have one
Band: Not sure
Computer Game: I don't play them
Video Game: Too many
Shirt: I don't have one
Pants: Swets
Actor: Will Smith
Actress: Don't care
Singer: Don't Care
Flower: Yellow Rose
Scent: Perfume
Animal: dog
Cookie: I don't have one, but that's my dog's name
Ice Cream: Sherbet
Instrument: Piano
Shoes: Adidas
Store: C-style is pretty tight. Pricey though
Quote: don't have one
Song Lyric: we fly high, no lie and you know this....(BALLLIN)
Sport: Basketball
Music Video: Don't watch them
Country: Puerto Rico is lovely
.This or That.
Boxers or briefs: Boxers
Thongs or undies: Thongs
Shorts or pants: Shorts
Jeans or sweats: Sweats
Shoes or barefeet: Shoes
TV or movies: Movies
Night or day: Night
Dark or light: Dark
Mountains or beach: Beach
Snow or sun: Sun
Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
Guys or girls: Guys
Swim or surf: swim
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Ocean or pool: Ocean
Tight or baggy: baggy
Singing or dancing: Both
Hugs or kisses: Both
Necklace or ring: Both
Blonde or brunette: Brunette
Green or blue eyes: Green
Rock or rap: Rap
Punk or emo: Emo
Tattoos or piercings: Piercings
Boat or plane: Boat
Stars or moon: Stars
Books or magazines: Books
Boyfriend/Girlfriend (age & who): Roman or Ricky (10)
Kiss (age, with who, where): Roman, out side
Make out (age, with who, where): Ricky, in a slide
Love (age & with who)Sex (age, with who, where): 14, Westley
Sex (age, with who, where): 16
School: Melrose Day care
Pet: Dog
Car: N/A
.What do you do...
At home: chill
At school: chill
Outside: chill
With friends: chill
When you first wake up: shower
.What ______ do you hate.
Food: too many
Color: pea green
TV Show: too many
Clothing style: none
Movie: too many
Song: too many
Band/Singer/Group: not sure
.What do you look for in the opposite sex.
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black/brown
Short or long hair: braids/short
Height: 6'0"
Style: Comfortable/Classy
Looks: Matters somewhat
Personality: Funny/Caring
Hot or cute: Both
Drugs or alcohol: Neither
Muscular or skinny: Muscular and average
.Your Emotions Right Now.
Happy?: Yes
Sad?: NO
Angry?: No
Grumpy?: No
Annoyed?: NO
Sick?: Yep
Lonely?: No
Bored?: Yes
Confused?: No
.What comes to mind when you read...
Intellegence: Ideas
Stupidity: shame
Depression: Sadness
Blood: Upset
Blue: Laid-back
Gray: foggy
Black: dark
Yellow: Happy
Sword: Knife
Sports: games
Socks: white
Ribbon: gifts
Cross: beliefs
School: college
.Have you Ever...
Written backwards?: yes
Written with the opposite hand?: yes
Drawn art?: yes
Got angry with a game?: yes
Played lacrosse?: no
Dyed your hair?: yes
Played Rugby?: no
Choked on food?: haha yeah
Won an award?: yes
Been dumped?: yes
Dumped someone?: yes
Skinny dipped?: no
Broken anything?: yes
Eaten sushi?: yes
Been on stage? What for?: music
Danced in the rain?: yes
Kissed someone of the same sex?: yes
Shoplifted?: no
Been caught: n/a
Been in a physical fight?: yes
.More Random Questions.
Do you smoke?: no
Drink?: no
Do drugs?: no
What's your greatest fear?: snakes
Do you go to church?: no
What's your religion?: Jewish
Any scars? From what?: yes, chicken poxs
Collections?: stamps, money
Like to be naked?: not really
Like to be outside?: yes
Weirdest dream?: not sure
Best dream?: don't remember
Saddest?: Who knows??
A dream you wish would come true: most of them
Do you think you're attractive?: of course
Do you ever talk crap?: yep
What's the weirdest place you've made out?: No sure
Do you like thunderstorms?: yes
What's the best advice ever given to you?: live life to the fullest
The worst?: It was stupid....who cares
What quote describes you/your life?: not sure
Do you play any sports & what do you play?: basketball, dance
Like Fridays?: Hell yeah
The month December?: yep
Do you wear hats?: at times
Like camping?: no
Always happy?: most of the time
What's your clothing style?: comfortable, classy
Any phobias?: none
.The Future.
Do you want to go to college?: I've been
Get married?: of course
Have kids?: yep
How many?: 2
What would you name the boys?: n/a
The girls?: n/a
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Not sure
Where do you want to live?: N/a
Where do you want to get married?: haven't gotten that far...not much thought in to it.
How do you want to die?: Peacefully
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODEShopping,
Playing with my dog,
Hanging-out with my boyfriend,
Hanging-out with my friends,
Talking on the phone (not really a phone talker),
Traveling out of the country/(East Coast),
Going to Movies,
Going out to eat,
Going to formal events
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsRelationship wise: no one, i got a man.
Friendship wise: Anyone, if you're cool with me I'll be cool with you.
Rap, R&B, Hip Hop, Jazz, Classical, (I'll listen to anything...if it's annoying I don't want to listen to that music for very long though, lol)
Scarey, Funny, Chick Flicks, Action, Mysteries, ANY MOVIE IS COOL WITH ME...if it's boring I'll fall asleep to it.
Muisc Videos, ESPN (college basketball), Pro Basketball, Girly shows, Money shows, Cribs, Pimp My Ride, Made (MTV), Beef (BET), Parental Control (MTV)
I really don't read very much...I'll look at a yearbook, or if it's for an assignment, i'll read it...besides that I hate reading. I like to write though.
My family, they save me from going into to debt, and they have spent the money on me to get into college. My dog and I are very good buds, I saved his foot from being stuck in some stairs, and he always saves me from snakes...I hate snakes. He was in the house when the tornado hit my house April 2006 so he's a very brave dog, even though he's small! Shoutouts to my ladies, because they are my close friends from way back. Together we all have kept in contact and it's hard to believe that we wouldn't keep in touch. They know a lot about me and they are there for me when i need to talk to someone, no matter if i'm bringing up drama....I know I always have an ear. I love my Heroes and I got there backs too. I MISS YOU ALL!