THE Lance Nation profile picture

THE Lance Nation

About Me

I am currently under construction. By me I mean both this page and the person this page is honoring. During the construction and content loading phase I would invite you to help me name it. Here are the leading candidates but feel free to suggest your own.
The Lance Nation
Lance Empire
Lance Lance Revolution
Lance Ultimatum
Lance of Life
Also I highly recommend you subscribe to my blog since I will be storing all my newsletters and videos there.
Now, an inspirational story..
When I was 17 I decided I did not like the word "pop" to represent a carbonated beverage. Being from a small town change didn't come easy for me. I struggled day and night to get the courage to do what I felt was right. I made a focused effort to remove that word from my lexicon and implement "soda" in its place. You should be happy to know I have been using soda now for many years and I couldn't be happier. Follow your dreams people, you too can change your lexicon.

My Blog

Wanna say something on tv? A new Lance Nation idea

I have a way. As some of you may or may not know I actually work in advertising and as a side project  I came up with a way to extend my usual WTF?! response I get online to television. Now here is wh...
Posted by on Fri, 15 May 2009 16:47:00 GMT

This Week in Lance February 3 2009

Tales of Public Transit VSo there I am on the bus minding my own business some guy jumps in the seat next to me. The bus was empty so there was no need for him to be right beside me. It's much like go...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 17:35:00 GMT

This Week in Lance Choose My Own Adventure ch3

Hearing the introduction to douchy frat boy's made up story reminded Lance of one of his celebrity interactions. It was about 8 years ago when a friend of his asked him if he'd like to get some cash o...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 00:33:00 GMT

Choose My Own Adventure chapter 2

..Remember, this is a choose my own adventure so be sure to vote for the next action to take in this epic adventure...(BTW votes are tallied from all the Lance Nation sponsored pages) Now let us conti...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 21:35:00 GMT

This Week in Lance Choose My Own Adventure ch1

It was a clear black night and a full white moon. Lance was getting ready to go out and explore a new bar with some of his entourage. He slipped his pants two legs at a time, cause that's just how he...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Nov 2008 00:38:00 GMT

This Week in Lance November 11th 2008

Time to Trim that BushIs it just me or has anyone else noticed the similar trend between the family behind our current president and the trend female foliage?In the 70's Bush was everywhere. For examp...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 01:56:00 GMT

This Week in Lance November 3rd 2008

This Article Has Not Yet Been TitledWhen thinking about what to write about earlier today I was considering discussing our election process that utilizes the electoral college and how us Americans hav...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Nov 2008 08:07:00 GMT

Republican Awards Ceremony

I am pretty sure it's not just me that thinks the whole McCain/Palin campaign is doing a great job offering Americans hours of quality entertainment each day. With that in mind I think they deserve th...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:26:00 GMT

I, Peter Pan

Sometimes life is like the chicken and the egg. What comes first? I think growing up and moving to the next phase of your life is a lot like the chicken and the egg. For me the question at hand is whe...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 23:22:00 GMT

This Week in Lance July 29th 2008

Tales of Public Transportation V:Transit Strikes BackFriday after work I met up with a friend to embrace a nice little happy hour. Well naturally this turned into happy hours. After about 4 hours of h...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 15:50:00 GMT