Nimr0d profile picture


I am here for Dating

About Me

I'm a 37yr old rasberry ripple with a fucked up back that prevents me from doing anything. There fuck off, that's me in a nutshell. Oh, OK i'll put some more in. Reet, I'm a qualified computer engineer but also dabble in website design and programming. Done a few things in the past but all for "fun".
I love metal/rock music from the real heavy stuff like Slipknot down to crap-rock like Whitesnake. I also listen to classical to chill me out. If you listen to some classical properly, you can here that it's some clever shit. I love watching/listening to instruments being played well, guitars and drums anyhoo. Best drummer in the world? Dave Lombardo. As for the guitar, you gotta be good to beat Gary Moore.
I play World of Warcraft on the Alonsus EU server so if you're ever on give me a nudge, my character is called Fle. Apart from that I like to play racing and FPS games (CS etc). Don't get to play as much as I'd like coz of my back though.
I'm as good as married with 2 shit heads for kids. You want to buy? Two quid each so I can get some chippy to celebrate. Na, love em really ... when they're asleep.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myself at 15 and tell me to get me back sorted. Fuckin shitty fing.

My Blog

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