It's Kinda Like This..."You Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night And You're Dying For a Glass Of Milk.So You Stumble out of bed,Stub your toe in the Darkness,Scream with pain,and Limp you way to the refrigerator.You open it up and the light is brilliant.You're Saved,Theb you fold back the paper container,Open up the Milk,Take deep breath,And put your Lips.Only-Yhrch-The milk is spoild,Sure your Bummed.You fold the thing closed and put it back in the frige.It's dark again.But as you're makein ur way to your lonely old bed,You think to yourself,Wait a minute,Maybe that milk was'nt so bad.And i am still thirsty?So you do an about face and go back to the fridge.The light warmes you up again.You take a sip and YUP, it's still sploied.That to me,is the fitting metaphorfor for most every Relationship I've ever been in.