All About The gigs Booking was formed in early 2007,
when I first started working with the unicorn in Camden, London.
Since then I have expanded and made many
friends and contacts around London and the UK
Booking bands from around the world,
At the moment i'm mainly booking for up and coming
music venue "The Unicorn" in London, its on Camden road
and is a FREE ENTRY venue, trying to preserve Music
in all its entirety!
Although I like a good laugh, I'm professional in
the tasks I have been set and will do
every job to the best of my ability!
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If you can help with these dates, LET ME KNOW!!!
I try not to book shows through myspace
anymore due to bands not being serious.
(Will make the occasional exception)
Please send Demos to:
All about the gigs
227 camden road
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
Contact Michele on: 07940566109
I have worked for many bands as the merchandise chick, a published Photographer; I have managed the books and finances and have toured around the UK quite a bit! I'm easy going and love the whole music business, being on the road and working with people trying to get their sound out there is the best thing in the world.
If your band needs a chick to sell your merchandise... or book tours and single gigs, or photo it up either live or promo, hit me up!
Also add and compliment the myspace page master and fellow photographer: