Animal Friends |
Sad, sad week. One of my grandpuppies died in her sleep. She was a venerable age for a Border Collie, 15. Beautiful, brilliant, marvelous CeCe.She understood English. When you said, "Get the ball, CeC... Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 07:21:00 GMT |
Rain in Florida |
It's raining here in Florida. They call it the rainy season. It's very wet and very humid...but oh, so pretty. The waddling, quacking mallard ducks and their tiny ducklings love it. The egrets and her... Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 06:48:00 GMT |
The Short Story |
Wahoo!!!! I finished a short story...first draft. I'm excited. Other than poetry, this is my first completed writing venture since the TPG debacle last summer. It's an adult ghost story for the anthol... Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 08:49:00 GMT |
Moving along |
Hi everyone out here in MySpace:Still writing away thanks to the wonderful support and encouragement of friends and family, particularly Deb Simpson, Norm Applegate, my son Peter, and my 'bestest' fan... Posted by on Sun, 17 May 2009 04:54:00 GMT |
My trip |
I all missed me. I've been on a trip for the past three weeks. Florida to Georgia across the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware to New Jersey to visit family and friends and see places... Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 13:11:00 GMT |
Why am I writing about Space? Last week I got to see the space shuttle take off. No, I didn't go to Kennedy, I watched from my own driveway, 3 1/2 hours away to the west. I was watching CNN and a t... Posted by on Thu, 26 Mar 2009 06:46:00 GMT |
Musical Interlude |
Yesterday, Sunday, was a banner day. I watched my son perform with the great band he recently joined at the Tampa Bay Blues Festival in St. Petersburg, FL. What a thrill. The Tinsley Ellis band is fa... Posted by on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 10:31:00 GMT |
Names |
Thank you for responding to my cat's name dilemma. I think I've settled on Sunspot, because she looks like somebody painted orange suns on her back. Then in time I can shorten it to Sunny.You can tell... Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:03:00 GMT |
I're thinking who is this gal? I seem to vaguely recall her name and face...but where's she been? Sorry friends...I've been vegetating in a writer's funk! I think we've all been there, or i... Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 13:44:00 GMT |
Hello! |
Greetings of the season
It's been a while since I've blogged. Shame on me! It's the time of year to wish everyone a Merry Merry or Happy Happy, whatever your beliefs and celebrations, may they be joy... Posted by on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 05:09:00 GMT |