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I am here for Friends

About Me

Fat Girls From Outer Space
Eleven year-old Freddy Gold is smart, talented and overweight. She has to deal with negative and unhappy feelings about her divorced parents, emerging adolescence and being the butt of the school bully. Freddy is miserable until she starts seventh grade in a new school and meets two overweight girls, Dolly and Eva. They become instant friends and together they form a successful band, Fat Girls From Outer Space. In this coming-of-age story, Freddy, a girl with a less-than-perfect body, learns to cope with adversity by using her humor, talent, energy, and the support of her friends and a special 'fat angel', to earn popularity and respect. Tweens will relate to Freddy's life and the way she and her friends resolve the problems in their lives.
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The Book of Mysteries:
The Wizard of Balalac
When 12 year-old Tyler Trent is sent by his Uncle Tad to a disappearing bookstore in New York City to find the Book of Mysteries, he and his best friend Zack Vander have no idea that they will enter into an exciting and dangerous adventure in the strange land of Balara. The two boys, with the help of two Balaran girls, a dragon-slayer giant and a yellow, polka-dot dog, must battle a wizard and a fire-breathing dragon to resolve the mystery of the Wizard of Balalac.
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Five, Six, Pick-up Sticks

A brand new book of poems
For children four to eight?
Poems beating rhythmic verse
Rhyming words, but wait....
There are verses flying free
No rules to stop the flow
A happy, clever, book of poems,
Where kids can safely go.
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The Ghost Under Third Base
Willie, who skips two grades and is still the smartest kid in his class, doesn’t have friends, until he meets Huby, a strange kid who always seems to be around when weird things happen. Together they explore the possibility that Willie’s favorite hide-out may be haunted. Willie comes up a great idea for a class project to benefit the town, a baseball field. This gets him new friends, but the idea may fall apart because there is a ghost under third base. How Willie, Huby, and his friends solve the problem is a fun, fantasy, adventure story that tween boys and girls will enjoy.
____________________________________________________________ _____ THE GOBLIN MURDER MYSTERY
What is this mysterious green goblin causing deadly mischief on Halloween? By November 1st, everyone in town believes that Alex Cooper, age 11, murdered 'Old Wormy' the math teacher by pushing him down the stairs on mischief night. Huby, the strange boy from The Ghost Under Third Base, appears out of nowhere and helps Alex and his friends solve The Goblin Murder Mystery and discover who or what is really guilty. Or, was it truly a murder? ____________________________________________________________ _____

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

JK Rowling, because she worked so hard for so long to produce these masterpieces of literature that only come once in a century. Thank you for raising the bar. Your imagination is incredible and your wordsmithing is amazing.

Dean Koontz, because you write with such beautiful metaphors.

Janet Evanovich, Chris Moore because you make your readers laugh and feel happy.

My Blog

Animal Friends

Sad, sad week. One of my grandpuppies died in her sleep. She was a venerable age for a Border Collie, 15. Beautiful, brilliant, marvelous CeCe.She understood English. When you said, "Get the ball, CeC...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 07:21:00 GMT

Rain in Florida

It's raining here in Florida. They call it the rainy season. It's very wet and very humid...but oh, so pretty. The waddling, quacking mallard ducks and their tiny ducklings love it. The egrets and her...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 06:48:00 GMT

The Short Story

Wahoo!!!! I finished a short story...first draft. I'm excited. Other than poetry, this is my first completed writing venture since the TPG debacle last summer. It's an adult ghost story for the anthol...
Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 08:49:00 GMT

Moving along

Hi everyone out here in MySpace:Still writing away thanks to the wonderful support and encouragement of friends and family, particularly Deb Simpson, Norm Applegate, my son Peter, and my 'bestest' fan...
Posted by on Sun, 17 May 2009 04:54:00 GMT

My trip

I all missed me. I've been on a trip for the past three weeks. Florida to Georgia across the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware to New Jersey to visit family and friends and see places...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 13:11:00 GMT


Why am I writing about Space?   Last week I got to see the space shuttle take off. No, I didn't go to Kennedy, I watched from my own driveway, 3 1/2 hours away to the west.  I was watching CNN and a t...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Mar 2009 06:46:00 GMT

Musical Interlude

Yesterday, Sunday, was a banner day. I watched my son perform with the great band he recently joined at the Tampa Bay Blues Festival in St. Petersburg, FL. What a thrill.  The Tinsley Ellis band is fa...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 10:31:00 GMT


Thank you for responding to my cat's name dilemma. I think I've settled on Sunspot, because she looks like somebody painted orange suns on her back. Then in time I can shorten it to Sunny.You can tell...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:03:00 GMT


I're thinking who is this gal? I seem to vaguely recall her name and face...but where's she been? Sorry friends...I've been vegetating in a writer's funk! I think we've all been there, or i...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 13:44:00 GMT


Greetings of the season It's been a while since I've blogged. Shame on me! It's the time of year to wish everyone a Merry Merry or Happy Happy, whatever your beliefs and celebrations, may they be joy...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 05:09:00 GMT