Slave of the Wave makes groovy ambient dub and some psytrance (no fullon).
About two years ago a nameswitch took place: from Grimoire to Slave of the Wave. After years of music making - and developing my own style - it was time for a change.
Let's move a few years back in history to see what happened....
It must have been over six or seven years ago that a friend and I decided that de wanted to make some drum n bass music by ourselves. How hard could it be!? Well it turned out to be a lot harder than we thought haha! I had no clue how rhythms worked, so the first number of tracks had curious bumpy rhythms. From the beginning I tried not to use preset souds and kept that rule to a certain degree. I like to be original. Even though I still tried to make drum n bass, it really never happened..
Usually it was some kind of chillout music before I ventured into psytrance territories. I still didn't know enough about beats and bleeps, or songstructure for that matter, to make proper psy, but I got some interesting creative results. In the mean time I kept making chillout music too.
When I felt my music became more mature I decided to have a name change, starting in 2008 (I think). And here I am making dubby chillout music and some smooth psytrance destillates for the world to hear!