First, A Little About Raven
Raven is my 3 year old granddaughter who holds a very special place in my heart. When Perthes Disease stole the laughter from this beautiful child, I made it my mission to find her some help. Imagine my surprise when Nussential's RESTORE! and MULTI! products did more than they said they would do, and helped her months faster than the doctors said was possible. Please watch this short moving video about Raven, the light in my life.
To see this video full sized or to get more info on these amazing products, please visit my product info site and see the testimonials (from people who are NOT my family =) Nitty-Gritty-Details
I won't bore you with the tiny little details that make up my life's story, how about I just give you my name and hit the highlights?
My name is Cenay Nailor and I am a Dedicated Programmer, Avid Motorcyclist, Aspiring Web-Designer, Active Grandmother, Enthusiastic Internet and Network Marketer and a Business Success Mentor. In other words, I am burning the "candle" at both end with the middle suspended over a raging wildfire.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
I have worked from home since 1991. I was able to work from home because I created "skills" that allowed me to design and develop custom software. With the right clients, this meant I could work from my house, and go onsite to deliver or upgrade software. Most of my projects were large Enterprise wide "systems" that required years to develop. But starting about 2002, most of the "custom programming" work went overseas to people who could do it for a lot less. Another shift in thinking was required.
See, I made a pretty serious mistake in setting up my home based work, I didn't plan far enough ahead. I didn't setup a 401K or a pension plan and didn't have a Retirement Fund. Working for myself meant I got a 1099 at the end of each year, paid taxes and then got busy on the next year. We ate pretty good, but I wasn't setting anything aside. It's a shame too, since I made pretty good money as a custom software developer.
I hit 47 this year, and realized I was in trouble. If I didn't do something, and soon, I would be forced to eat dog-food during my golden years because Social Security (if it's still around), wouldn't pay me anything like I was making.
So, I started thinking of new ways to build that retirement fund. Create a plan B if you will. Plan A is taking care of current expenses, but I needed something else. A safety net.
A New Way Of Life
I did a lot of research and a few experiments in Internet Marketing and working "online" from the house. I began rebuilding my "skill set" to encompass a brand new career. Just like I had to do for custom software development, I spent time, money and effort to give myself the right tools for the job. I had set out to find the ideal business opportunity, something I could be proud of, would maximize my time investment, was run by people of integrity and ideally help others in the process. I reviewed hundreds of business models, affiliate programs, and companies. I was definitely neck deep in my "Due Diligence".
Enter Nussentials.
A woman I trust called me about Nussentials. My Mom. Mom is diabetic and has had trouble with her blood sugar levels for the last 30 years. She had heard about Nussentials and started on one of their flagship nutritional products. Nussentials is a Health and Wellness company that manufactures products based on stablized rice bran.
After only a short time taking MORE!, Mom's blood sugar was finally under control and the feeling has returned to her feet. This is after more than 10 years not being able to "feel" if she was stepping off a curb or not.
Okay so far. Company with good products. Check.
I did some more research, and found that Phil Mims, the owner of the company was one of the largest business builders in Excel, before that company sold out. He bought Nussentials and then partnered with Childrens Incorporated to donate 5% of all revenues (not profits, revenues!) from 100% of the products sold nationwide. His deal with Children's Inc was to focus all his efforts in the United States, to feed kids in our own backyard.
Even better. Leadership has integrity, check. Help others in the process, check.
Well, it didn't take me 30 minutes to make the decision once I had all the facts. I joined Nussentials in May, received my first check in May, and have received a check from them every month since. And because the business model is one that Microsoft, Kodak, GE and other big names use, I also benefit from the sales generated by people who I sponsor into the organization. So, helping them succeed, directly affects my bottom line. This leveraged activity means that I do the work once (get customers or get business partners), and continue to get paid on it for the life of that customer or partner.
Ding, ding. We have a winner. Maximize my time investment, check.
So, I have spent the last few months building the tools (I am a software developer afterall) to help my business partners succeed in this business. Lead generation websites, How-To Videos, Articles and PDF's, testimonials from product customers, eBooks on the dangers of certain drugs used to treat arthritis and the benefits of supplements, automated email training series and much more. I know that creating a system that anyone, regardless of their experience level, can plug into -- will let all of us work smarter, not harder.
The Products Are Changing Lives
That's not an idle boast, it's a fact and I can prove it. (more on that in a minute)
Currently, Nussentials has 8 products, with more being added each month. The flagship products are whole food based supplements built on "Stablized Rice Bran". What the hell is that you ask... again, no scienitific details, let's just leave it at this: Rice is the most consumed food on earth. 65% of the nutrition of the rice kernel is locked away in the rice bran which is the outer layer of the kernel. Rice bran is considered to be one of the most nutrient-dense naturally occurring foods available but it is routinely thrown away as an unused food resource. This is because rice bran contains an enzyme that causes rancidity within hours of milling, making it unfit for human consumption. In fact, more than 60 million metric tons of rice bran each year ends up as animal feed or dumped in landfills. In other words, the nutrient-dense part of the rice kernel never makes its way to our dinner table. Well, not anymore.
Thanks to extrusion technology developed only a couple of years ago, that bran can now be stablized and used! So, what does this mean to you and me? Whole food based nutrition. A super food. Health in a bottle.
Okay, that's more scientific details than I wanted to get into at this point. I can point you to the case studies and clinical trials if you want, that really goes into more detail than I can digest (pardon the pun). One final note from a "scientific standpoint" if you will indulge me.
According to a report published by the Alternative Medicine magazine, stabilized rice bran seems to be one of the most potent and accessible sources of a complex mix of phytonutrients and antioxidants. The report states: Nutraceuticals derived from stabilized rice bran are showing enormous nutritional value. So far, the most promising uses are against diabetes, high cholesterol, liver abnormalities and cardiovascular disease.
Now, that is some heady stuff, but why should you care? Well, I don't know about you, but eating right and making all those "healthy choices" is hard in today's fast-paced world. I don't eat right. In fact, frequently, McDonald's and Wendy's are my "dinner table". So, I did what every other lazy person would do, I started taking the supplements. I have had some pretty incredible results, but you have no reason to trust me (yet), so let me share a couple of testimonials from product customers that convinced me I had made the right choice.
"After only 3 months, my triglycerides are lower than they have been in 10 years"
I have felt so much better since adding the MORE! product to my diet. I complained to my physician for years about allergy symptoms and fatigue. Along with our family history of high lipid levels I was getting my cholesterol checked 3 times a year. After hearing about Nussentials, I decided I did not have a choice but to try the MORE!. After only 3 months, my triglycerides are lower than they have been in 10 years.
After 6 months on the MORE I never complain about allergy symptoms or fatigue. This was a lifesaver. I am 51 years old and have more energy than my younger siblings. These products are essential.
-- Diane Gahagen, RN, Colorado
"She is doing the normal things kids her age do, and that to me is a blessing"
About 4 years ago my 13 year old daughter was diagnosed with narcolepsy. She is on medication, and has been for years, but recently I started including your products ALERT and LESS, and I have noticed a real change in her.
She is awake more during the day, even after cutting out her 2nd dose of medicine; we are getting more of her. With 2 doses of her prescribed stimulant she may stay awake while in school, but after school, riding the bus home and doing her homework, I have to stay on her to keep her awake. When school started this September, she was unable to receive her second dose, (I had to wait on her doctor's appointment) so I started giving her ALERT in the morning with 1 dose of her medicine, and there was a noticeable change, but the biggest change was when we started mixing the ALERT and the LESS, she stayed awake during school, and after school, she finished her homework, and watched her favorite shows until it was bed time.
She is doing the normal things kids her age do, and that to me is a blessing.
Thank you!
-- Arlene G, Virginia
" energy level has truly increased to the point where I am now active again, working again, don't need as much sleep and really and truly, I am not even depressed any longer"
This has been a most stressful year for me. Loosing my son was a painful experience and, for several months after his departure, I experienced such a tiredness like never before. I would stay in bed for days as I had no energy to do anything, but unfortunately I have to work and really need my strength.
Well....after about a week of taking this ALERT! every day, my energy level has truly increased to the point where I am now active again, working again, don't need as much sleep and really and truly, I am not even depressed any longer.
I have shared this valuable information with several friends and I hope that, for their sake, they will try it out. It really works. Thank you Cenay for coming along when I needed you the most.
ALERT! truly keeps you alert!
-- Dioro Boisseau, Garland, TX
There are dozens more on file in my personal "testimonial vault" which you can read here. Some of these stories really touched me and make me proud to be a Nussentials Representative. Nussentials Is Changing Lives -- Stories From The Heart
Still with me?
Excellent, because now it's time to showcase the products. Below the slide show are a few of the benefit's of each of the products ( backed up by clinical studies ). By law, I can't say anything that isn't substantiated, so pay close attention... these products really work!
One of Nussential's flagship products, this one has the most benefits because of the potent mix of ingredients, including the stablized rice bran. I have more testimonials from people on the use of MORE! in their diet, than any other product. It is extremely dense in essential nutrients, and has over 100 antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients as well as over 20% hypoallergenic dietary fiber.
MORE! and Cancer
The active ingredients in MORE! have been shown to help prevent colon and large bowel cancer and have an anti-carcinogenic effect in cancer of several other organs. With at last 107 different antioxidents and very potent phytonutrients, it supports proper immune function and may help in the prevention of cancer.
Some of the ingredients and their proven effects are shown below:
Ferulic Acid, Gamma-Oryzanol: Has an anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic effect
Inositol, IP6: Anti-carcinogenic effect in cancer of several organs
Fiber: Helps prevent colon and large bowel cancer
Tocotrienols: Have an anti-carcinogenic effect on cancer of the mammary and large intestine
Antioxidents: Prevent colon and large bowel cancer
Phytosterols: Have an anti-carcinogenic effect and protects against most cancers, such as colon, breast and prostate cancer.
Lipoprotein fraction: Capable of inducing apoptosis (cell suicide) of cultured human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells. It also inhibits cell proliferation and helps suppress cancer progression.
Polysaccharides: Improve immune function
Polyphenols: Acts in chemoprevention
MORE! and Cardiovascular Disease
The active ingredients in MORE! have been shown to reduce triglycerides, elevate HDL (good) cholesterol, reduce serum and LDL cholesterol, reduce overall lipid levels, regulate blood pressure and inhibit platelet aggregation. MORE! has at least 107 different antioxidants and very potent phytonutrients, which help to maintain normal lipid levels, thus significantly reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
MORE! should be used in conjunction with a low-fat, high fiber diet to support normal blood cholesterol levels. The high quality fiber in MORE!, together with tocopherols, tocotrienols, gamma oryzanol, phytosterols, and inositol synergistically help to promote a healthy cardiovascular system.
Some of the ingredients and their proven effects are shown below:
Tocotrienols: Have a hypolipidemic effect and inhibit HMGCoA reductase, which is the key enzyme in biosynthesis of cholesterol.
Tocopherols: Inhibits LDL cholesterol oxidation and exhibits antioxidant activity.
Gamma oryzanol:Inhibits platelet aggregation
Inhibits aortic fatty streak formation
Provides a hypolipidemic effect by lowering serum
cholesterol. Reduces triglycerides Elevates HDL cholesterol (good). Has an anti-inflammatory effect Exhibits antioxidant activity Inhibits ACAT (acyl-coenzymeA:acyl transferase)
which esterifies cholesterol for storage within the cell
or lipoproteins, thus facilitating cholesterol clearance,
increasing HDL cholesterol, lowering VLDL synthesis
and impairing intestinal absorption of cholesterol
MORE! and Diabetes
The active ingredients in MORE! have been shown to help regulate fasting glucose levels, improve glucose utilization, enhance insulin production, regulate fasting serum glucose, and increase insulin receptor sites.
MORE! has at least 107 different antioxidants and very potent phytonutrients, which both help control blood sugar levels. MORE! may help promote normal blood sugar levels since it contains the right type of fiber which can slow the rate of sugar absorption into the bloodstream. This reduces the level of insulin required to process carbohydrates at any given time. MORE! is not a cure for diabetes, but clinical trials have shown that when combined with a low carbohydrate, high protein and high fiber diet as well as regular exercise, stabilized rice bran in MORE! helps normalize blood sugar levels in diabetics. This could potentially help to eventually reduce the daily dose of medications, such as oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin.
The best diabetes video I've seen that explains the shows both type 1 and type 2 diabetes comes from the Mayo Clinic , which you can view here
What MORE! from Nussentials does is improve immune function, stabilize blood sugar by providing consistent absorption rates and increased blood circulation. There are a lot of things going on inside your body when you take MORE! daily. To see exactly what, review the list below.
Some of the ingredients and their proven effects are shown below:
B-Complex VitaminsRegulate fasting serum glucose.
Improve glucose utilization
Non-starchy polysaccharides improve the immune function and increase insulin release from the pancreas.
Increase insulin receptor sites
Regulate fasting serum glucose
Improve peripheral neuropathy
The second in the Nussentials line of amazing flagship products, RUN! is nutritional support to ease joint pain, restore join mobility and increase flexibility.
RUN! is a proprietary blend of rice bran derivatives, herbs, MSM, glucosamine and chondriotin which works synergistically to nourish the joints.
RUN! and Arthritis and Joint Pain
The active ingredients in RUN! have been shown to have an anti-arthritic effect, provide an anti-inflammatory response, improve the absorption of calcium, reduce pain and inflammation, maintain synovial fluid and lubricated joints. RUN!'s anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce pain and may aid in the regeneration and maintenance of healthy cartiage.
Some of the ingredients and their proven effects are shown below:
PhytosterolsBeta-sitosterol and its glucosides have an anti-arthritic effect
Act as a potent cox-2 inhibitor
Do you want to look and feel younger? Stay active without joint pain?
Okay, so that was a trick question. Everyone wants this, especially as age creeps up on you. By adding RESTORE! to you diet, you can. RESTORE! contains Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which is a naturally-occurring molecule in all living organisms - including your own body! When you are young, HA is abundant throughout your body, but is found in larger concentrations in certain areas.
HA gels water to provide lubrication, easier movement and less pain in your joints. In your skin, HA is involved in tissue repair, including healing your skin after sun exposure. It binds to water, provides volume, and plumps out the appearance of wrinkles while holding moisture in the skin. Scientific studies have also substantiated that many age-related eye disorders, including glaucoma, are linked with a shortage of HA.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) has been nicknamed by many "The Fountain of Youth", as it minimizes the effects of many ailments that are traditionally associated with aging. HA increases joint lubrication, which minimizes pain and joint damage, assists in nourishment of cells, helps minimize the signs of aging in the skin, and facilitates the body's natural healing processes.
Fountain Of Youth?
Connie Chung of ABC Primetime Thinks So
Hyaluronic Acid (HA for short) is the key ingredient in RESTORE!, one of Nussentials products. Connie Chung did a special on HA on ABC Primetime. You won't believe your eyes and ears!
Liquid Energy enhanced with 72 trace mineral, 12 vitamins, 6 herbal nutrients and just enough caffeine to keep you going, without the jitters. Listen, it's almost 2008 and we are all burning the candle at both ends. Energy drinks have become a multi-billion dollar a year industry as a result. But did you know those energy drinks contain enough sugar to power a 3 year old for 2 weeks and enough caffeine to wake the dead?
All that caffeine and sugar in your system creates sleep problems, so you don't get the rest you need. So, you need more energy drinks. It's a viscious cycle. ALERT! breaks the cycle by providing energy and focus, naturally, without interferring with your sleep patterns.
ALERT! is energy, the natural way. It contains all-natural energy-producing nutrients including acai, aloe vera, d-ribose, green tea extract, guarana extract and taurine. ALERT! also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E and H. In this liquid form, ALERT! is absorbed by the body up to three times faster than pills, giving you maximum absorption of these vitamins, minerals and herbs for optimum results. So why drink several synthetic energy drinks every day? Just one ounce of ALERT! can supply you with time released natural energy that can last 4-7 hours.
What Are You Gonna Do Now?
Most people know they need to improve their eating habits to get better nutrition, but won't. It's hard, I know. But now you can get all the benefits of these "Super-Foods" that are having such an impact on the lives of so many.
I think you can see now just how much potential there is in adding these products to your diet. Don't have cancer, diabetes or cardiovasular disease? Then image how much more quickly you will see the benefits in improving your immune system. And since MORE! has been shown to prevent certain types of cancer, you reduce your risk in becoming the next statistic.
Whether you just want to try the products out, start earning money part time or are interested in building a full time income to replace your "job", I have the experience, tools and motivation to help you succeed.
I have a Plan B now. Do you? Would you like to know more about my Plan B and how I think it would benefit you? I would be happy to call or email with absolutely zero pressure and answer any questions you have. Listen, I know that if you don't absolutely love the idea, it's a waste of everyone's time, so there won't be any "convincing" going on. If you know what you want, are willing to work for it, then I am ready to help you succeed.
Want to know more? Call me at 928.978.1919 or email me at cenay [at] nowyouaretalking [dot] com. I look forward to hearing from you. Let me help you feel better!
How Can I Serve You?
Yep, I know it sounds hoaky, but I really mean it. Serving the "community" brings me joy (there's that "Virgo" thing again) so drop me a line if there is anything I can do for you.