Good Friends! Great Friends! Friends 4 Life!
I Appreciate You With Love!
Your kind words and your appreciation, not only this brings happiness to my mind. But to me it also makes you a nice person in my mind. When you adore a beautiful rose do you smell the sweet fragrance from its petal tips? When you admire a beautiful person do you see the shine of happiness in their heart? Growing up over the years we sometimes never appreciate the love and sacrifice a loved one made for us. Just think if we had just appreciated their deeds once a while how good they would have felt in their lives. What makes someone beautiful and charming is their appreciation of others. What makes our lives meaningful is when we appreciate the virtues and qualities of others.
There is much that is unsaid between friends because it doesn't need to be spoken. We rely on our friends as much or more then our families sometimes. With friends we share with them our secrets, we have good times and happiness, we share our lives with our friends. As friends we all are a jewel to those who are lucky enough to have one. Tears, love, anger, fun; laughs are all shared between us as friends. A Best Friend knows who you are better then yourself sometimes, so never be afraid to show me who you truly are, for I accept all that you are and love you still the same. Sometimes you have two people who seem to be the opposite in every way yet they get along like two peas in a pod for those two souls are bound in appreciation and love for one another, as we all are bonded together as one. We all share a relationship that may not be formed by blood but we all are bonded with love that will not be severed.
Because I love you I am putting your name into a circle and not a heart because a heart can break and a circle goes on our friendship and sisterhood. Life and time is so very precious and we never truly know just how much we have of today as with everyday I want you all to know that I love you all from my heart so very much and I truly appreciate you everyday. Also please remember you go on about your matter what you are going through you are never alone.....for I am here for you whenever you need a friend to stand by your side.